Tag Archives: five points festival 2018

Exploring Five Points Festival @ Brooklyn Expo Center: Part 3 (6/2/2018)

Those who are following along with this set of adventures that were shared on THIS POST, know that my PiercingMetal Media Outlet was wandering the aisles of the Brooklyn Expo Center for the 2nd Annual Five Points Festival. New readers will want to click that link first because I’ve been doing this methodically and this is the final installment. There’s been a lot of cool things to see and people to meet so far and I am almost sad that we are finishing up with this chapter. Here we go.

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018
Continue reading Exploring Five Points Festival @ Brooklyn Expo Center: Part 3 (6/2/2018)

Exploring Five Points Festival @ Brooklyn Expo Center: Part 2 (6/2/2018)

Hello again my friends. As mentioned the other day in THIS POST, The PiercingMetal Media Outlet is on point at the 2018 Five Points Festival and in case you’re wondering – you have safely arrived at our second chapter. I’m picking up where I left off in the previous chapter so let’s continue the exploring shall we.

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018
Continue reading Exploring Five Points Festival @ Brooklyn Expo Center: Part 2 (6/2/2018)

Exploring Five Points Festival @ Brooklyn Expo Center: Part 1 (6/2/2018)

If you’ve been keeping up with PiercingMetal on the social networking side, you know that it’s been a busy week already as over the last few days I’ve been spending time exploring the Book Expo that was being held at the Javits Center. While some of the discoveries at that convention have made their way here, a larger part of it gets posted on our Lifestyle Blog partner website “The Chronicles” of Piercing Ken. With the Book Expo completed it was time to get down to business at the still new Five Points Festival which has returned for its second year as a convention. This year it would move to the Brooklyn Expo Center in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and this space is very well known to me as its the same place where I attend the NYC Hot Sauce Expo every year. The Five Points Festival is loaded with sights and designer toys galore.   Let’s take a walk.

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018

five points festival, five points festival 2018, photos from five points festival, photos from five points festival 2018
Continue reading Exploring Five Points Festival @ Brooklyn Expo Center: Part 1 (6/2/2018)

Five Points Festival Returns With A New Home In Brooklyn NY!

five points festival logo across

I’m pretty sure that our readers know how much we love the assorted conventions that come to our Media Metropolis and our favorites are probably the Geek Culture ones like the NY Comic Con and stuff like that and also the ones focused on the toy industry such as the brand new Five Points Festival. This event is mapping out its second year and the full release can be viewed down below the poster. Take a look.

five points festival poster, five points festival 2018 poster,

The Press Release:
Five Points Festival, a designer toy, street, and alternative art festival is excited to announce the return of the much-anticipated event for 2018! Taking place the weekend of June 2-3rd, 2018 – at the awesome Brooklyn Expo Center, the festival will bring together the shining stars of the Designer Toy, Kaiju & Sofubi, Craft Beer, Food and alternative art worlds.

Featuring a dynamic lineup of counterculture artists and artisans from around the world. The event is a 2-day celebration of toy designers and customizers with an extensive international Neo-Kaiju and Sofubi section, original street art, independent comic artists, gourmet food trucks and craft beer presented by Clutter Magazine and sponsored by 50 Years of The Outer Spacemen, and Lagunitas Brewing Company.
Continue reading Five Points Festival Returns With A New Home In Brooklyn NY!

Save The Date! Five Points Fest Will Return In 2018 – In Brooklyn!

It wasn’t that long ago that I shared the news about the second go round for the brand-new BoroughCon that held its first convention only a few months ago. As we post a lot lately, you can refresh your memory again or for the first time by clicking HERE to see that news report. Today I am here to announce that the Five Points Festival is also returning for a second year AND will also be setting up shop at the Brooklyn Expo Center. “No Sleep till Brooklyn” am I right? Now I should stress that there was not a real “Press Release” per se but instead this “Save The Date” graphic that I have shared below. It does get right to the point.

PiercingMetal Thoughts: While I didn’t attend the BoroughCon, I did go to one of the days for Five Points Festival and had a solid time at the event. All of the images and notes that I documented for our readers can be found HERE if you’d like to see them. It was a very different convention for sure and one that was focused more on Designer Toys and Comics along with some other specialty artists as opposed to numerous network television panels and Cosplay at every turn. You’ll see when you review those narratives. I figure it doesn’t hurt to remind folks of content since we are getting new readers each and every day and its best to keep everyone in the same loop. I don’t have much more to add about this one but do think its a great thing that FPF is not only returning for its second year but that it’s doing so in Greenpoint, Brooklyn which is where this convention center is. I’ve been to this event space a few times now for the “NYC Hot Sauce Expo” which the interested can learn about by clicking HERE. I grew up in the area way back in the day and its really become something interesting. This convention center is near numerous bars and restaurants and close enough to the waterfront for those visiting to get some spectacular views. While you are making note of the convention dates, please also mark off “Transmitter Park” as a place to walk over to as its only five minutes from the convention center and offers a spectacular view of our Big Apple metropolis. Alright, so are you excited about the return of Five Points Festival? I’ll be adding this to our Events Calendar as well for good measure. See you next time.

Official Website: http://www.fivepointsfestival.com
Official Website: http://www.cluttermagazine.com