Tag Archives: festival cancellations

Organizers Postpone Wacken Open Air Festival 2021

wacken open air festival 2021

The Press Release:
The promoters of Wacken Open Air, the world’s largest heavy metal festival, have announced today that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the edition planned for the end of July will not be able to take place as scheduled. The 31st edition of the cult festival will therefore take place in August 2022, from 04.08. to 06.08.

wacken open air
Photo courtesy of ICS Festival Service

“We bleed our hearts! All visitors, musicians and the entire crew have put all their hopes on being able to celebrate together again in Wacken already this year in July, but we have no other choice but to wait a little longer. Health and safety have priority, there are no two opinions”, Thomas Jensen, boss and founder of the festival explains.
Continue reading Organizers Postpone Wacken Open Air Festival 2021

Perkele! Tuska Open Air Festival 2021 Is Cancelled

tuska festival 2021

The Press Release:
Even heavier and blacker than usual, we have to announce that Tuska 2021 will be cancelled due to coronavirus. The pain-sized festival is not erected at the turn of the hand, but the time of preparation is measured in months and even years. We want to offer the best possible festival experience for Tuska visitors from all lawsuits: from technical implementation to music and from food supply to side program plus everything else. Now comes the time that we could organize a festival that matches our expectations and the audience. So called. the amount of fox is high. We would have liked to have wagged our hair this summer in Suvilahti with you.

The sun is shining into this catacomb: Tuska’s 2022 planning has begun and the artists have a very strong urge to play, so we believe that the program will turn out very interesting. Next time the Tuska festival will be celebrated in Suvilahti, Helsinki on 1.- 3.7.2022, and three days tickets are on sale. Tickets are sold by 2022, 2022, and 2021: https://www.tuska.fi/liput Tickets purchased for the 2020 and 2021 Tuska Festival are eligible for 2022 as such. The best thing a Tuska visitor can do to support the event is to use the purchased festival ticket next year. If you wish, you can also return the ticket to the place of purchase by 31.8.2021 Ticket stores will be contacted by email to customers who bought tickets as soon as possible. This is how it went, but your fist is up – we hope you’ll be there! ✊
Continue reading Perkele! Tuska Open Air Festival 2021 Is Cancelled

This Just In: The Download Festival For 2021 Has Been Cancelled

download festival logo

Maybe this news surprises you and maybe it doesn’t. Whatever the case might be, the annual Download Festival which takes place in the legendary Donington Park has been cancelled. This follows the recently announced cancellation of the Hellfest Open Air Festival which is documented HERE in case you missed it.

download festival 2021

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ve pointed out that I don’t get to any of the festivals across the pond but since its a longtime desire of ours to do when we hit the lottery I figured its best to keep our readers around the world up to speed. Where you planning on attending this mega-event? Does the news disappoint or even surprise you at this stage of the Coronavirus Pandemic? Chime in down below and be sure to stay tuned to the websites of the outlets you follow and their social networks (like ours of course) because I have a feeling that many more announcements of this kind will be par for the course despite anyone’s original plans for 2021. See you next time and please continue to be safe out there in the mix.

Official Website: https://downloadfestival.co.uk/

Festival Down: The Hellfest Open Air Festival For 2021 Is Cancelled

hellfest open air festival logo

Official Statement:

Hellbangers, We hoped for the best but the worst is coming. The uncertainties about the health situation and the latest government regulations are forcing us to cancel the 2021 edition of the Hellfest Festival next june (18th, 19th and 20th).

Thanks to your support the last few weeks, both the public opinion and the media were alerted about the critical situation of our industry (like many others). The Government reacted quickly and organized meetings with members of the Ministry of Culture and other French Festivals in order to explain the situation and to ask for answers regarding the organization of summer festivals.
Continue reading Festival Down: The Hellfest Open Air Festival For 2021 Is Cancelled

Breaking: Maryland Deathfest 2021 Postponed Until 2022

maryland deathfest logo

Based on the current state of affairs with the still rampant, and now mutating Coronavirus; the cancellations for the 2021 Entertainment Year are begin to increase. This announcement addresses the annual Maryland Deathfest which was hoping to take place this coming May. This is not a possibility at all with the increase in infection and the lack of a proper system in getting people vaccinated. Read on.

festival posters, promotional posters, maryland deathfest, maryland deathfest posters

The Press Release:
MDF XVIII has been rescheduled again until 2022! The new dates are May 26-29, 2022. There is an overload of information in this post, so please take a few minutes to read it all, as it will likely address most of the questions and concerns you may have.

At this point, we don’t think it’s necessary to go into great detail about why we had to reschedule the festival again. We’ve been updating you about this possibility for months, so we assume that most of you were expecting this news to be dropped. There is simply no chance that the festival can be staged in its proper form with the majority of the bands (or fans, for that matter) being able to even show up in a short 4 months. It is pretty clear that most, if not all of 2021, is needed for the world to sort itself out to the point that we can enjoy live events again.
Continue reading Breaking: Maryland Deathfest 2021 Postponed Until 2022