Tag Archives: erik valdez

Tonight: “Superman & Lois” Series Premiere on The CW (2/23/2021)

superman and lois tv logo, warner brothers television, the cw network

It was only a few short weeks ago when we shared the first official trailer for the new DC Comics action adventure show that was coming to The CW Network with “Superman & Lois”. If you missed that trailer post just click HERE so you are up to speed with us about it. The show premieres tonight on the network and it will be a two-hour series premiere. Check your DVR space or make sure you have enough VHS Tape for your VCR. As I type that I realize my younger readers have given the site quizzical looks and mumbled “V? C? R?” Let’s take a look at the official poster, premise and casting down below.

television posters, promotional posters, warner brothers television, the cw network

The Premise: Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane return to Smallville with their sons Jonathan and Jordan, where they are reacquainted with Lana Lang, her husband Kyle Cushing, and their daughter Sarah, when their idyllic life is upended when The Stranger enters their lives.
Continue reading Tonight: “Superman & Lois” Series Premiere on The CW (2/23/2021)

The CW Presents: “Superman & Lois” Official Trailer

superman and lois tv logo, warner brothers television, the cw network

A lot has happened since we last saw Superman on The CW Network. Not only is there a brand-new Batwoman, but both Supergirl and Black Lightning will be saying farewell to their respective shows with their most recent seasons. “Superman & Lois” brings the famous DC power couple back to the small screen as married parents and the first trailer is below for you to enjoy. I’ve also included some premise, casting and promotional art. Let’s go.

The Premise: Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane return to Smallville with their sons Jonathan and Jordan, where they are reacquainted with Lana Lang, her husband Kyle Cushing, and their daughter Sarah, when their idyllic life is upended when The Stranger enters their lives.
Continue reading The CW Presents: “Superman & Lois” Official Trailer