Tag Archives: edguy

“Fucking With Fire” (Live) by EdGuy

Artist: EdGuy
Title: “Fucking With Fire”
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Release Date: 4/28/2009
Genre: Melodic Power Metal
Rating: 3.5/5

Released a couple of months prior to the live concert DVD that bears the same name is its audio companion from Germany’s EdGuy. The double CD, fourteen track effort finds the band pulling out all the stops in front of a rabid San Paulo Brazil crowd and since you know how these folks respond to the Metal at the end of the day, the home listeners gets to relive the mayhem that was ensuing. The weird thing for me about this release was why it was made as a separate item as opposed to being packaged with the outstanding film that it comes from. In this day and age, I have seen a much better response for those items that place both audio and video together. Oh well, I guess this is why I don’t work for a record company development team and instead am one of the many voices that “speak” about what they dish out.
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EdGuy @ Fillmore at Irving Plaza (9/9/2009)

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Artist: EdGuy
Venue: The Fillmore NY (New York, NY)
Opener: Epicurean, Luna Mortis, Cypher Seer
Date: 9/9/2009
Label: Nuclear Blast Records

I guess it was safe to say that I had not gotten my fill of Heavy Metal served up by its German experts yet because after last night’s Doro Pesch show at the Gramercy Theatre I would find myself making my way over to The Fillmore NY to see the one and only EdGuy. Tonight a number of my friends and others in the Metal faithful were headed a little farther uptown to see Motorhead perform at the Roseland Ballroom, but at the end of the day I had to say that I was looking for the kind of rousing fun that is more easily found within the music of Tobias Sammet and his merry men, as opposed to the crunching surge of how Motorhead does it. The show tonight would also feature an opener whom I wanted to see along with one whom I had recently enjoyed so as just mentioned I was standing by my choice. When I got to the venue I found that the local openers of Cypher Seer were already playing and here is how the night went down.
Continue reading EdGuy @ Fillmore at Irving Plaza (9/9/2009)

“The Singles” by Edguy

Artist: EdGuy
Title: “The Singles”
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Release Date: 2/10/2009
Genre: Melodic Power Metal
Rating: 4/5

It was only a few weeks ago when that mighty and enigmatic court jester of Melodic Power Metal Tobias Sammet had given his fans a little bit of candy with EdGuy’s “Tinnitus Sanctus”. It was an album that continued the bands endeavors to make Metal a little less serious and having heard it I can safely inform the readers that they succeeded. Of course the issue of a new album after a series of successful tours that received some real attention to the bands cause could only mean that it was high time for a collection like “The Singles” to be released next. Fans should be aware that this is not a greatest hits CD but instead the compiling of all of the bands recent singles which were only previously available on their European and Japanese EP’s. That’s a good thing because I would fear the world would find me mad for uttering the words “Greatest Hits” and “EdGuy” in the same sentence since Melodic Power Metal bands are seldom afforded such luxury in today’s music society. The ride begins with “Superheroes” from “Rocket Ride” which was a catchy song, but I loved the next track up entitled “Spooks In The Attic” since it was much more energetic and driving. “Judas In The Opera” is a scandalous number and there is quite the scatological lyrical content thing going on, so you innocent listeners best shield your eyes, I mean ears. Tobias stands on the beaches and proves that he is indeed the wind beneath something as he delivers the epic version of “Superheroes” and in all honesty, the tune sounds pretty good when done in this fashion. We get a couple of versions of “Lavatory Love Machine” – the first being the standard and the second acoustic which shows the listener a new side of those EdGuys. The tempest doesn’t stop as Toby and company tackle Europe’s “I’ll Cry For You” before delivering “King Of Fools” from “Hellfire Club”. “New Age Messiah” might find the pious frozen in place and while I will leave some surprises for you I will say that the closing number “Life And Times Of A Bonus Track” is hilarious. The tune is clever and addresses all things that one would experience if they were a bonus track themselves (at least according to Tobias Sammet).
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“Tinnitus Sanctus” by EdGuy

Artist: EdGuy
Title: “Tinnitus Sanctus”
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Release Date: 1/27/2008
Genre: Melodic Power Metal
Rating: 4/5

Now that singer/composer Tobias Sammet has released his latest epic Metal masterpiece with Avantasia, the killer album from 2008 entitled “Scarecrow”, the time has come for him to once again have the kind of fun that he always seems to have with his main band EdGuy. It seems as though while a couple of years have passed since we last saw a release from these dudes with “Rocket Ride” and not too long before that “Hellfire Club”, that there is a relative consistency in their ability to release high quality Melodic Hard Rock or Power Metal (depending on how you see them the most). Clearly we will not wait for sixteen years between EdGuy releases and in my mind that is a welcome thing. Listening to “Tinnitus Sanctus”, a great play with Latin phrasing about that ringing in the ear one gets after sitting in front of their speakers for too long listening to the Metal, the band has picked up where they left off and not lost an ounce of creative steam since the last go round. My first exposure to EdGuy was with “Vain, Glory, Opera” and I admit that I was quite hooked from the moment that I first heard what they delivered to the Metal head of the time. Their music is always catchy and sounds not only fun to the listeners ears, but also in its composition and one can imagine the guys having a blast playing this for a room full of energetic fans. Having seen them a number of times since that first listen I can honestly say that there are few performers who look like they are having a better time than their audience is. “Tinnitus Sanctus” is loaded with that type of Metal energy that the band excels at and while the opening track “Ministry Of Saints” is a standard tempo groove, it seems to be setting you up for the rest of the adventures inside the CD. The tune reminded me just a little too much of “Sacrifice” but that was more based on the way the chorus flowed than the entire tune. I liked “Sex, Fire, Religion” as that had some crunch to it and had some tasty heaviness in the riffing from Dirk and Jens that I enjoyed. My first favorite on the new release came with “The Pride Of Creation” because the boys just cut it loose here and let Felix Bohnke drive the tune with knockout double bass drumming before the big EdGuy sing along chorus came in.
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PiercingMetal’s “Best Of” 2008: The Videos and Concerts

Hello again, we are back with the rest of the years “Best Of” for 2008. In an earlier installment I posted all of the albums that blew me away and now its time to showcase the videos and concerts along with a few other quick items. Please take a look down below and get ready to share your own favorites with us.

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The Best DVD’s of 2008:

Various Artists “Roadrunner United” (Roadrunner Records): Filmed concert with Heavy Metal’s finest celebrating the record labels 25th anniversary. Lots of fun stuff here.

Opeth “The Roundhouse Tapes” (Peaceville Records): Filmed during the “Ghost Reveries” tour and a follow up to the CD released last year.

Twisted Sister “Live At The Astoria” (Demolition Records): The SMF’s from NYC remind London and the world about why they are a Metal super power to this very day.

Within Temptation “Black Symphony” (Roadrunner Records): A stunning live concert performance that pairs the Dutch sensations with a full orchestra. This is an amazing show. Audio CD included.

Iron Maiden “Live After Death” (Universal Music): Never before on DVD this classic Iron Maiden show from the “Powerslave” tour, this release was loaded with extras and is listed as required Metal.

Lamb Of God “Walk With Me In Hell” (Epic Records): This documentary took the viewer on a three year trek with the band and was insightful, entertaining and sometimes jarring in its honesty. Great job guys.

Dimmu Borgir “The Invaluable Darkness Tour” (Nuclear Blast Records): The giants of Norwegian Black Metal have their tour captured on DVD for more to enjoy. A great set with a ton of features.

Blackmore’s Night “Paris Moon” (SPV Records): A great concert from the Renaissance Rockers. Bonus CD included.
Continue reading PiercingMetal’s “Best Of” 2008: The Videos and Concerts