Artist: EdGuy
Title: “Fucking With Fire”
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Release Date: 4/28/2009
Genre: Melodic Power Metal
Rating: 3.5/5
Released a couple of months prior to the live concert DVD that bears the same name is its audio companion from Germany’s EdGuy. The double CD, fourteen track effort finds the band pulling out all the stops in front of a rabid San Paulo Brazil crowd and since you know how these folks respond to the Metal at the end of the day, the home listeners gets to relive the mayhem that was ensuing. The weird thing for me about this release was why it was made as a separate item as opposed to being packaged with the outstanding film that it comes from. In this day and age, I have seen a much better response for those items that place both audio and video together. Oh well, I guess this is why I don’t work for a record company development team and instead am one of the many voices that “speak” about what they dish out.
Continue reading “Fucking With Fire” (Live) by EdGuy