Tag Archives: disqus

PiercingMetal & Social Networking: DISQUS

Continuing along with my little overviews about some of the Social Media aspects that we encounter on a daily basis I wanted to bring up this entity known as “DISQUS”.

Now Disqus in and of itself is not a Social Networking site or medium per se, but it is a tool that let’s you better integrate several of your online homes and comment from them via one single methodology. For instance, I can comment on any number of blog posts and sites using my Facebook profile, my personal or PiercingMetal Twitter and my Google account thanks to Disqus and that is wonderful since it allows for some level of consistency across the board. The appeal is maximized since folks who click my profile will see links to my own websites and online accounts that I wish to broadcast. I am all about sharing my music adventuring but I think all of you readers know that by now.
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