Tag Archives: dc universe original series

Now Streaming: “Swamp Thing” on DC Universe (5/31/2019)

swamp thing tv logo

Since it was only a couple of days ago, you most likely remember the Official Trailer for the DC Universe Original Series “SWAMP THING” and if you don’t just click HERE to see our post. I know the summer heat is upon us and everyone is getting ready for vacations much more than paying attention to every single post that I make over here. That series has just begun its streaming on this subscriber based service and if you are a fan of the character you might want to consider giving it a go. Let’s review the premise and casting after the dramatic Official Poster.

television posters, warner brothers television, dc universe, swamp thing

The Premise: Abby Arcane returns home to Houma, Louisiana to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, where she develops a bond with scientist Alec Holland. After Holland tragically dies, Arcane discovers the mysteries of the swamp and that Holland may not be dead after all.
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