Tag Archives: darth vader

Marvel Comics First Issues Coming In June 2017

Hello again readers, wow is there a lot of stuff going on or what? We are only a couple of days into the month of June and I’ve already lined out a whole bunch of awesome events to bring to your attention in terms of music and stuff to read. That brings me to our Marvel Comics first issues that will be hitting the racks over the course of the month. As usual the press copy comes from their side of the fence along with the images and then I’ll close up with the ones that I am most interested in. Here we go.

SECRET EMPIRE: BRAVE NEW WORLD #1 (of 5): Steve Rogers, Captain America, Liberty’s most dedicated defender is actually the Supreme Leader of Hydra. Faced with this adversity, the world’s heroes have two choices: stand and fight or fall in line. See how Earth’s protectors come to grips this earth-shattering revelation in an action packed first issue featuring Gwenpool, Giant-Man and Steve’s oldest allies, THE INVADERS!


“Secret Empire: Brave New World” #1

SECRET EMPIRE: BRAVE NEW WORLD #2 (of 5): DEBUT OF THE ALL-NEW PATRIOT! Living in the Hydra Nation doesn’t have to be all bad, especially if you can get with the program. But even in times of peace, some folks help but fight for what’s right. Featuring The Invaders, Hydra Bob and introducing the all-new Patriot!!

Paul Allor, Fabian Nicieza, Rodney Barnes (W); Brian Level, Tana Ford & Juan M. Frigeri (A); Cover by PAULO SIQUEIRA

“Secret Empire: Brave New World” #2

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“Star Wars”: A Galactic Saga Hits Four Decades (1977-2017)

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….” – It’s amazing to realize that this amazing Space Opera was released forty years ago on this very day. I don’t need to cite how those introductory words brought us to the flourish of the orchestrated soundtrack while the opening crawl began and filled us in about what was going on in this particular galaxy. The ride began here and what a ride it’s been. The film and its subsequent sequels have become one of the biggest selling franchises in cinematic history.

I’m happy to report that I saw this film not long after it opened in the cinema, and it was at the now shuttered Ziegfeld Theater in NYC with my Grandmother. She had taken me as a birthday present as the film opened up a few days before I would be celebrating. I don’t remember how long after it opened that we went but it was not open long for sure. I don’t have the ticket from the show as one wasn’t keeping that sort of stuff way back then, or at least I wasn’t – Yet 🙂 I loved the film and am pretty sure that I convinced Nan to take me again or the parents. I wasn’t seeing movies with my friends yet back in 1977. When did you see this film? Are you old enough to have said you saw it during its original theatrical run like I was fortunate to do? Hopefully you aren’t one of those folks that have never seen the film because I have heard that a few of you are out there. I’ll run down the cast in a moment but first – Behold the Original “Star Wars” Theatrical Poster. Magnificent isn’t it?

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Marvel Comics First Look @ “Darth Vader” #1 Coming June 2017

The Dark Lord of the Sith Rises! Your New Look at DARTH VADER #1 – Charles Soule & Giuseppe Camuncoli Bring You Darth Vader as You’ve Never Seen Before!

The Press Release:
The most fearsome villain in the entire galaxy returns for an all-new series — Prepare for DARTH VADER #1! This June, superstar writer Charles Soule (Poe Dameron, Astonishing X-Men) will team with chartbusting artist Giuseppe Camuncoli (Amazing Spider-Man) to chronicle the epic rise of one of the greatest villains in all of fiction!

marvel comics, comic book covers

When Anakin Skywalker fell, both to the pull of the dark side and to the blade of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he rose back up, more machine than man. Having lost everything that he once held dear, the one who was prophesized to bring balance to the Force instead chose a darker path. Now, in a story set directly after the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, he must take his first steps into a darker world as…Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith!

“With the all-new DARTH VADER series, we will finally get the chance to witness iconic moments in the Star Wars galaxy through the lens of one of its most famous characters,” said series editor, Jordan D. White. “With Charles Soule and Giuseppe Camuncoli at the helm, we are going to spotlight the construction of Vader’s red lightsaber, the fallout of Order 66, the beginnings of the Inquisitor program, the rise of an Empire, and many more sinister moments never seen before!”
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Marvel Comics #1′s Coming In February 2015

Judging by the rundown of first issues premiering in February, I can honestly say that comic book readers are in for a Marvel-ous group of treats and I’ve lined out a bunch of them below. As usual we have cribbed the official description from their press provisions along with the cover art and I’ll close it up by speaking my thoughts. Here we go.

Comic - Darth Vader 1 - 2015

DARTH VADER #1 & 2: The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! Ever since Darth Vader made his first on-screen appearance, he became the one of the most popular villains to ever haunt an audience’s dreams! Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own series, showing the Empire’s war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side! Writer Kieron Gillen (Uncanny X-Men, Journey Into Mystery, Iron Man) and artist Salvador Larroca (Invincible Iron Man, X-Men: No More Humans) bring us a peek behind the mask of evil!
Continue reading Marvel Comics #1′s Coming In February 2015