Charlie Benante has been using the quarantine time rather effectively and has offered up a number of rock solid jams over the last couple of months that you’ve most likely seen shared across the Interwebs. This latest one is a Hard Rock/Rap melding that finds the legendary rapper Darryl McDaniels (DMC) joined by Benante and guitarist Robb Caggiano (Volbeat) and Ra Diaz (Suicidal Tendencies) and I’ve embedded the clip for your viewing pleasure down below.
About The Track:
“I always wanted to do a medley of RUN DMC songs, so back in March I decided to put an arrangement together and asked these amazing people to be a part of it. How can you do a RUN DMC medley without the KING of ROCK- Darryl McDaniels DMC. I have been a RUN DMC fan from back when I first heard “It’s Like That/Sucker MCs” they had my attention immediately! It’s no secret that our “I’m the Man” song was inspired by RUN DMC and the Beastie boys…that’s how much we loved them. I asked RA once again because he has the groove and creativity to adapt to any song. I love how he placed a familiar line at the end of the song that Just fit so well. I asked Rob Caggiano because I always loved his style. I love the way he attacks his guitar and plays the tastiest shit. He throws this great Black metal riff in here that raises the tune to another level. We all came together to create this piece of music that makes US move. I hope it YOU move! Maybe it inspires you to make music, play your instrument, write lyrics…
Charlie B 2020
PiercingMetal Thoughts: Clips like this are really just what the doctor has ordered and the levels of creativity and inspiration in them have just been a positive mental balm in a very uncertain time. I’ve loved each and every one of these so far and having seen all of these musicians in concert or at conventions over the last few years, I had to say that I greatly enjoyed this one. You should too and you can help a worthy cause by purchasing the single via the Bandcamp link down below. As Charlie mentions, it would be great to see more musicians rallying to their own creative energy. I swore that I was going to get the practice pads out of the storage container and while I didn’t manage to do that I can safely say that my “air drumming” game has been on point over the last few weeks. See you next time.
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