Tag Archives: darryl mcdaniels

CB’S “RUNDMC JAM” by DMC, Charlie Benante, Ra Diaz, Rob Caggiano Official Clip

Charlie Benante has been using the quarantine time rather effectively and has offered up a number of rock solid jams over the last couple of months that you’ve most likely seen shared across the Interwebs. This latest one is a Hard Rock/Rap melding that finds the legendary rapper Darryl McDaniels (DMC) joined by Benante and guitarist Robb Caggiano (Volbeat) and Ra Diaz (Suicidal Tendencies) and I’ve embedded the clip for your viewing pleasure down below.

About The Track:
“I always wanted to do a medley of RUN DMC songs, so back in March I decided to put an arrangement together and asked these amazing people to be a part of it. How can you do a RUN DMC medley without the KING of ROCK- Darryl McDaniels DMC. I have been a RUN DMC fan from back when I first heard “It’s Like That/Sucker MCs” they had my attention immediately! It’s no secret that our “I’m the Man” song was inspired by RUN DMC and the Beastie boys…that’s how much we loved them. I asked RA once again because he has the groove and creativity to adapt to any song. I love how he placed a familiar line at the end of the song that Just fit so well. I asked Rob Caggiano because I always loved his style. I love the way he attacks his guitar and plays the tastiest shit. He throws this great Black metal riff in here that raises the tune to another level. We all came together to create this piece of music that makes US move. I hope it YOU move! Maybe it inspires you to make music, play your instrument, write lyrics…

Charlie B 2020

PiercingMetal Thoughts: Clips like this are really just what the doctor has ordered and the levels of creativity and inspiration in them have just been a positive mental balm in a very uncertain time. I’ve loved each and every one of these so far and having seen all of these musicians in concert or at conventions over the last few years, I had to say that I greatly enjoyed this one. You should too and you can help a worthy cause by purchasing the single via the Bandcamp link down below. As Charlie mentions, it would be great to see more musicians rallying to their own creative energy. I swore that I was going to get the practice pads out of the storage container and while I didn’t manage to do that I can safely say that my “air drumming” game has been on point over the last few weeks. See you next time.

Official Websites:
Music Unites: http://www.MusicUnites.org
Bandcamp: https://charliebenante.bandcamp.com/track/cbs-rundmc-jam

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Three (Part Four)

2019 new york comic con logo

Hey Gang, its awesome as always to see you dropping in on us here at PiercingMetal. It’s without question that we’ve been keeping busy and now its time to serve up another installment from the 2019 New York Comic Con. You’ve landed at Part Four of the Day Three presentations so if you didn’t see the stuff that has run previously just click HERE to be up to speed from the beginning. Let’s pick up from where we left off last chapter.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Three (Part Four)

Exploring New York Comic Con 2018: Day Two (Part 1)

Greetings Readers and welcome back to the continuing presentations from the 2019 New York Comic Con. I’m now up to Day Two of the offerings but if you missed any of the Day One stuff you are so going to want to click HERE first to enjoy all of the chapters that preceded this one. I say this since I tend to refer back to pieces across the journey and I don’t want you to fall behind. Go ahead and look, I’ll wait – welcome back 🙂 So after Day One ended, I headed up to Paul Booth’s Last Rites Gallery to see the unveiling of a brand new graphic novel that is based on story ideas from Black Veil Brides singer Andy Black. Check out that summary by clicking THIS LINK.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

To start off my day, I hit a press conference, panel or whatever that was called “From The Stage To The Page” and this was going to feature notable musical talent who have all worked on the comic book medium. Among these artists are Steve Aoki, Andy Black, Lights and the legendary Darryl McDaniels (aka DMC). Here are a few visuals from the panel, I did not record anything because I don’t think that ReedPOP likes that stuff. Don’t want to mess with the organizers after all.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018
Continue reading Exploring New York Comic Con 2018: Day Two (Part 1)

Exploring NY Comic Con 2017: Day Three (Part 4)

I think by now you know the drill. I keep serving up the coverage from the 2017 NY Comic Con and you keep on enjoying it (well, I hope you do at least). Sorry my friends, as we are now at the final chapter of the Day Three explorations I am starting to feel a sense of “convention burnout”. This will be the last bunch of visuals from the Saturday of the convention so if you haven’t seen the preceding chapters please click on THIS LINK to open everything related to this event on a new page. You don’t have to start reading these from the beginning but I will admit that its a lot more fun when you do it like that. Here we go…..AGAIN 🙂

nycc 2017, ny comic con, ny comic con 2017, ny comic con 2017 photos

nycc 2017, ny comic con, ny comic con 2017, ny comic con 2017 photos
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2017: Day Three (Part 4)

Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Three, Part Three (10/8/2016)

Alright so are you still with me or have you had enough? Good, I knew you had it in you. So here I am once more with another chapter in a seemingly never-ending batch of presentations from the 2016 NY Comic Con. I’m up to Part Three of Day Three (which sounds kind of nice to say) and I’m in the Artist Alley area still so a lot of awesome people who bring you the comics stuff to enjoy. If you are just now joining into the proceedings please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. Day Three is the Saturday session of the NYCC and often the most congested in the Main Expo floor so its a general practice of mine to be in Artist Alley for this one. A lot of the artists have their names in the images so I don’t need to chime in unless I feel it necessary. Here we go.

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Three, Part Three (10/8/2016)