Tag Archives: dan parent

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2021: Day One Part 2

new york comic con 2021 logo, new york comic con, reedpop

Hello my friends and welcome back to PiercingMetal’s in-depth exploration of the 2021 New York Comic Con. You’ve arrived at the second part of our Day One exploring and to see all the related posts that preceded this just click HERE to launch in a new browser tab. I’ll be chiming in across the images when needed so let’s get moving.

new york comic con 2021, reedpop, nycc 2021, photos from new york comic con 2021, new york comic con

new york comic con 2021, reedpop, nycc 2021, photos from new york comic con 2021, new york comic con
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2021: Day One Part 2

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day One (Part Three)

2019 new york comic con logo

Hello again my friends and welcome to the continued presentations from the 2019 New York Comic Con. You’ve safely arrived at Part Three of our Day One explorations and believe you me, this is only the beginning. You’re going to want to click HERE and see all the posts that have been published to get the full on experience. My next “50” images picks up where I left off and begins this chapter with our independent publishing friends who release the exciting series “Off Girl”. There’s a lot of cosplayers in this one and I think you know who most of the characters are so I will only chime in as necessary.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day One (Part Three)

Exploring New York Comic Con 2018: Day Four (Part 2)

By now you’ve probably surmised that the end of these installments is drawing near and you are correct in the assumption. Of our Day Four posts, this is the second to last one so if you’re just now joining us at the penultimate chapter of my 2018 New York Comic Con posts, I’d ask that you click HERE first to see all of the chapters that have come before this latest one. I’m in the Artist Alley a bit during this chapter so a lot of talented people to take note of and thank for their contributions to the comics medium.  Most of them have their names in the photo as well to eliminate unnecessary discussion.  I’ll try to find their websites, Facebook or Twitter Official accounts once all is said and done.  Let’s do this.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018
Continue reading Exploring New York Comic Con 2018: Day Four (Part 2)

Exploring Flame Con 2018 @ Sheraton Times Square

Fans of our convention explorations and who have been watching our regional events calendar know that this past weekend was when both the Liberty City Anime Con and the Flame Con were happening. After some productive time at LCAC, it was time for me to head over to Flame Con and see what was going on there. For those in the unaware, Flame Con is the world’s largest queer comic con and it was not only returning for its third year event but also had moved to Manhattan and would take place at The Sheraton. Last year it was down near my old college at the Brooklyn Marriott and I didn’t mind that since it was a quick trip home but I digress, that is a tale already spoken so let’s get down to the new.

flame con 2018, geeks out, flame con 2018 photos

Yes there was a bag and utility belt check because that is the world we live in today I’m afraid. To me this is not an issue and I would rather be safe wherever I go. Nice work folks. So as you might know, this will be mostly a photographic display but I will be loading in as many of the folks website links or Official Facebook/Instagram accounts for you to follow them. Enjoy.

flame con 2018, geeks out, flame con 2018 photos
Continue reading Exploring Flame Con 2018 @ Sheraton Times Square

Out Now: “Archie Meets Ramones” by Archie Comics

The scuttlebutt about this particular comic team-up was discussed on many of the geek websites a few months ago but I decided to wait until I held a copy of this in my hands to give you my impression of it, and its also now on the stands for immediate purchase. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you “Archie Meets Ramones”!!!! Check out the cover art and the overall premise from the Archie Comics website below.

archie meets ramones, archie comics

“Hey! Ho! Let’s go! America’s favorite teens cross paths with the original NYC punks in this extra-sized one-shot spectacular that is not to be missed!

When the Archies tank at the Riverdale High Battle of the Bands, a magical twist of fate sends them hurtling into the past—and face-to-face with none other than the Ramones! Can the legendary punks get the Archies to realize their own rock ‘n’ roll potential and find their way home? Probably not—but it’ll be a blitzkrieg bop of a journey, as the two bands bounce from 53rd and 3rd to Rockaway Beach in this must-read crossover from the writers of the best-selling Archie Meets KISS and We Can Never Go Home Volume 1 with jaw-droppingly beautiful art from Gisele Lagace (“Occupy Riverdale”)!”

archie meets ramones, archie comics
Continue reading Out Now: “Archie Meets Ramones” by Archie Comics