Tag Archives: crystal reed

Warner Brothers Television “Gotham” Season 5 Official Trailer

gotham series logo

Fans of the Batman Pre-History series “Gotham” will be elated that the show is returning to the airwaves in January 2019 but then likely said when the countdown of the twelve episodes commences for this Final Season of the series. Their calling it “Legend Of The Dark Knight” so you know what is coming for sure, and here is the trailer for the upcoming season. I’ve also added a fourth season recap and numerous members of the cast who appeared along the way.

Season 4 Recap: Bruce Wayne is a masked vigilante, patrolling Gotham’s streets at night. Cobblepot begins a campaign to dominate the city’s underworld by profiting off licensed crime, Nygma finds his mental faculties diminished as a side-effect of having been flash-frozen, Jonathan Crane is seen embracing his role as the Scarecrow, the League of Shadows begin their next plot involving an ancient embalming knife, Ivy Pepper taking drugs from an apothecary which transform her again, and Butch Gilzean becomes Solomon Grundy after his comatose body was dumped into Slaughter Swamp. A new criminal known as Professor Pyg shows up putting Gotham into chaos until it is revealed he has been working with Falcone’s daughter Sofia to take down Penguin which she succeeds in doing while having Penguin sent to Arkham where he meets Jerome Valeska. Eventually after Sofia is taken down by Gordon, Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch, and Jonathan Crane escape from Arkham along with others and team up with Victor Fries, Bridget Pike, Penguin, and Solomon Grundy to create a supervillain team known as the Legion of Horribles to bring madness and destruction to Gotham which leads to Jerome’s brother Jeremiah Valeska undergoing a chemical transformation. In addition, the energies that Ra’s al Ghul placed in Barbara Kean called the rest of the League of Shadows to her as the female members pledge their loyalty to her. Eventually, Jeremiah Valeska and Ra’s al Ghul’s plans plunge Gotham City into a no man’s land causing it to be evacuated while the different villains start claiming their territory in Gotham City. (c/o Wiki)
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Observe The “Gotham: Dawn Of Night” Character Posters For Season Four

I know that some of you readers have stuck by the Fox television series “Gotham” which showcases a world before Batman and while its occasionally made me shake my head, I’ve still got it programmed on my DVR and am just too lazy to cancel it just yet. Season 3 had some strong moments and showed that this could be interesting and better going forward. Some days ago, a nice batch of character posters were released along with the official reveal that the first story arc will be “Dawn Of Night”. I like that little play on words since we did find the “Batman V Superman” film being known as “Dawn Of Justice”. I’ll follow the main show visual with the character posters. Check it out.

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