Tag Archives: connie nielsen

HBO Max Presents: “Wonder Woman 1984” Opening Scene

wonder woman 1984 movie logo, warner brothers pictures

It was just shy of a month ago when Warner Brothers Pictures re-presented the Official Trailer for “Wonder Woman 1984” and if you haven’t seen that clip for some reason or another just click HERE to rectify that. Now with 10 days left before the release of the film in limited theaters AND on the brand-new streaming service HBO Max, they have shared the opening scene of the film. Let’s take a look.

The Premise: Diana Prince comes into conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1980s and finds a formidable foe by the name of the Cheetah. (c/o Warner Bros. Pictures)
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Universal Pictures Presents: “Nobody” Official Trailer

nobody movie logo, universal pictures,

There is nothing that we enjoy as much as an interesting action thriller, and while we are MOSTLY fans of the Kaiju Monsters and Superhero stuff here at the Media Command HQ, a solid smackdown flick works like a charm sometimes. When we saw the clip for Universal Pictures “Nobody” we knew we had to share this with the readership as it looks good. The film stars Bob Odenkirk from “Better Call Saul” and you can enjoy the first trailer and more down below.

The Premise: Hutch Mansell is an underestimated and mild-mannered family man, described as being unresisting to his life’s hardships. One night two thieves break into his suburban home and he declines to defend himself or his family, hoping to prevent any serious complications. His son, Blake and wife, Becca are disappointed in Hutch and begin to drift away from him. The incident ignites his resentment about being an unsubstantial father and husband, thus awakening his suppressed skills and illuminating his dark secrets.
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Warner Brothers Pictures “Wonder Woman 1984” Official Main Trailer

wonder woman 1984 movie logo, warner brothers pictures

A lot has changed since we last discussed the film “Wonder Woman 1984” and I guess the biggest change was that it was going to be streaming on the brand-new service of HBO Max along with being presented in limited theater capacity. The trailer that they presented just recently appears to be the same one but since the methodology of enjoying this has changed up I didn’t mind sharing it once again along with some modified thoughts. Here goes.

The Premise: Diana Prince comes into conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1980s and finds a formidable foe by the name of the Cheetah. (c/o Warner Bros. Pictures)
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HBO Max Presents: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” Official Teaser Update

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As previously discussed, the big scuttlebutt is that the new streaming service HBO MAX will be streaming the long discussed “Snyder Cut” of the DCEU film “Justice League”. It’s going to be called “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” and be something close to four hours in length. I’ve touched upon this topic already with posts about the Promotional Posters and the Sneak Peek and you can see those by clicking the highlighted text. You all know by now that we are diehard fans of the superhero films here at the Metal Media Command HQ and will keep sharing what we learn is out there. Now its time to look at the updated teaser trailer clip. I’ve also listed some of the cast and some artwork down below. Enjoy

The Premise: Following the death of Superman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Batman and Wonder Woman recruit the Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg to form the Justice League and protect the world from Steppenwolf and his army of Parademons, who seek the three Mother Boxes.
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Warner Brothers Pictures: “Wonder Woman 1984” Official Main Trailer

wonder woman 1984 movie logo, warner brothers pictures

It’s been more than half a year since we’ve gotten any sort of clips from the upcoming “Wonder Woman 1984” film but a global pandemic will tend to slow things down just a bit. If you feel like being reminded about that other trailer just click HERE first before you continue along. Now thanks to the currently in progress DC Fandome, we’ve got a brand-new clip and I’ve presented it for you below.

The Premise: Diana Prince comes into conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1980s and finds a formidable foe by the name of the Cheetah. (c/o Warner Bros. Pictures)
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