Tag Archives: comic book solicitations

Marvel Announces “Star Wars” #50 Facsimile Edition

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The Press Release:
In celebration of Marvel’s 80th Anniversary, Marvel is releasing a special Facsimile edition of the 1977 STAR WARS #50! Coinciding directly with May’s upcoming STAR WARS #108 one-shot from Matthew Rosenberg and artists Giuseppe Camuncoli, Luke Ross, Kerry Gammill, Andrea Broccardo, this Facsimile features a full reprint of the issues’ classic story – ads and all! – from writer Archie Williams and artists Al Williamson, Tom Palmer and Walter Simonson!

comic book covers, marvel comics, star wars comics

With new stories of original series characters such as Jaxxon, Amaiza, Domina Tagge, Valance the Hunter, and more, STAR WARS #108 acts as a direct sequel to Star Wars #50 – making this a truly epic 80th Anniversary celebration!
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DC Comics First Issues Coming February 2019

Whew. I hope that you readers made it out of those last few days of absolute polar temperatures. I barely made it to the corner for milk which is a MUST have for the morning coffee. Today is Super Bowl Sunday and will put the New England Patriots against the Los Angeles Rams and while we are not at all sports fans here, I do hope that the Rams destroy the Patriots since I am tired of them. What I am a fan of is the comic book scene and there are a bunch of cool launches coming from DC Comics this month. Let’s take a look.

comic book covers, dc comics, dc entertainment
“Female Furies” #1

FEMALE FURIES #1: All their lives the Female Furies have been raised to be the meanest, most cunning and most ruthless fighting force on all of Apokolips. So why are Granny Goodness’ girls left behind every time the men go to war? With the might of New Genesis hanging over the planet, and the Forever People making mincemeat out of Darkseid’s army, Granny thinks it’s about time that changed. And so, Big Barda, Aurelie, Mad Harriet, Lashina, Bernadeth and Stompa set out to beat the boys at their own game. Little do they know the game is rigged—and one accidental murder could spell disaster for them all! FEMALE FURIES is an exciting new miniseries starring some of Jack Kirby’s coolest Fourth World characters by the writer of SHADE, THE CHANGING GIRL and the artist of PLASTIC MAN!


comic book covers, dc comics, dc entertainment
“High Level” #1

HIGH LEVEL #1: Hundreds of years after the world ended and human society was rebuilt from scratch, a self-interested smuggler is forced to traverse a new continent of danger and mystery to deliver a child messiah to High Level, a mythical city at the top of the world from which no one has ever returned. Don’t miss the start of a new series from writer Rob Sheridan, co-creator of Nine Inch Nails’ groundbreaking Year Zero alternate-reality game!

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Marvel Comics First Issues Coming February 2019

February sure has started out in full force and it feels like all of the Scandinavian bands that we cover on the website have send some of their homelands weather our way. It’s super cold today for sure with below zero temperatures and nasty winds. I got a taste of this last night as I walked from the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC to the subway home after the Bring Me The Horizon concert. The venue was an inferno, but the outside felt like Antarctica. When I checked my mobile it showed that the temperature outside was five below zero. Yikes. Since today is colder, it’s a good day to sit down and peruse some of the brand new titles that are coming out this month from Marvel Comics. Sure some have already hit the racks since yesterday was New Comic Book Day but the rest are forthcoming. As always the copy and images come from official Marvel resources and the closing editorial notes are all mine. Here we go.

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment
“Marvels Annotated” #1

MARVELS ANNOTATED #1 (OF 4): Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the series that changed the way we look at super heroes, the landmark MARVELS is back! In the year 1939, young photojournalist Phil Sheldon attends the sensational unveiling of the fiery android Human Torch — little knowing he is witnessing the dawn of the Age of Marvels! Prepare to relive Marvel’s Golden Age from a whole new point of view as Phil covers the superhuman sightings of the 1930s and 1940s — from the terror caused by the Human Torch’s epic clash with the Sub-Mariner to the patriotism stirred by the debut of Captain America and more! Packed with extras and completely remastered, you don’t want to miss this unique look back at the MARVELS phenomenon! Collecting MARVELS #0-1.


comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment
“Savage Sword Of Conan” #1

SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN #1: THE ANCIENT CULT OF KOGA THUN. A MYSTICAL TREASURE. AND THE ONLY MAN WHO CAN SAVE THE HYBORIAN AGE! Adrift at sea. No food. No weapons. Death surely awaits him. But the lionhearted CONAN is not so easily subdued, by Crom! When Conan finds himself captured, he unleashes his might on an unsuspecting pirate crew…one whose dark secrets will plunge Conan on the trail of an ancient treasure that may prove to be his undoing! An all-new age of SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN begins with a five-part tale of swords and sorcery by Gerry Duggan (DEADPOOL, INFINITY WARS) and illustrated by legendary artist Ron Garney (DAREDEVIL, THOR: GOD OF THUNDER) with covers by the incomparable Alex Ross, and breathtaking variant covers by Garney, Rahzzah, comics legend George Perez, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman! Welcome to the deadly Hyborian Age—hope you survive the experience!

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Dynamite Comics Announces “KISS: The End” For April 2019

As its been reported across numerous posts here on the website already, KISS has embarked on their “End Of The Road” World Tour which will apparently mark the end of extended touring. If you’ve not seen any of those announcements yet please click HERE to be up to date and to see if the band is coming to your town. Now, Dynamite Comics is bringing the band back to the illustrated page for an exciting series known as “KISS: The End”. Take a look at the full press release and some cover artwork.

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The Press Release:
All good things must come to an end… and having a great build up helps! Dynamite Entertainment announces KISS: THE END, a rocking new series to celebrate the legendary eponymous band’s upcoming history-making farewell “End of the Road Tour.”

A young man finds himself possibly dead and wrangling with some of life’s most eternal questions. It’s a good thing he runs into Death, who sets him on a path to track down their own demon offspring. His prophetic guides in this quest are none other than the otherworldly KISS – The Starchild, The Demon, The Spaceman and The Catman. Their help will be needed, with plenty of peril along the way.

comic book covers, dynamite comics, kiss comics
“KISS: The End” #1

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Marvel Comics “True Believers” Deliver “Captain Marvel” Classics In February 2019

We’re only a couple of more months away from the next exciting chapter in the growing Marvel Cinematic Universe with “Captain Marvel”. In order to get us even more amped up about the new film, the House Of Ideas will be releasing 10 brand-new comic books under their “True Believers” line. I’ve discussed these extensively at this point and cannot recommend them any more than I already have. With a $1 price tag on each of them, it’s a perfect way to not only introduce an impressionable young reader into the hobby but its also a cool way to have a few “reading copies” in a small box for you to peruse. Let’s take a look at the ten re-issues that focus on the Captain Marvel side of the fence. All issues run “32” pages with the exception of one that spans “40”.

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TRUE BELIEVERS: CAPTAIN MARVEL – MS. MARVEL #1: Reprinting Ms. Marvel (1977) #1

comic book covers, marvel comics, true believers, captain marvel
“True Believers: Captain Marvel – Ms. Marvel” #1


comic book covers, marvel comics, true believers, captain marvel
“True Believers: Captain Marvel – Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel” #1

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