Tag Archives: comic book reviews

An Overview Of Dark Horse Comics: “Slayer: Repentless” #2

Hey so we are back and continuing the summary of the new mini-series by Dark Horse Comics featuring the mighty Slayer with “Slayer: Repentless”, It’s issue number two now and if you missed my narrative about the debut issue you’ll want to click on THIS LINK to be more up to speed on the goings on. When we last left, our hero had just received his powers and was learning that with great powers comes great responsibility. Oh wait, that’s a different character altogether but our main protagonist did meet Slayer at the closing pages of the issue. Sort of like when Rey finally reached Luke Skywalker in “The Force Awakens” and the credits began to roll as soon as he turned around.

The “hero” of the tale is Wyatt and he is on a mission of vengeance having just suffered a tremendous loss and the odds against him are rather high since he is facing off against a militant Neo-Nazi order with whom he once had a close association to. Fortunately, he has the guys in Slayer to help fight the battle and as noted in the previous summary, this is the Slayer of now in today’s musical geography. The violence is at an all-time high in this one and the language somewhat colorful and as you read through you will likely chuckle at the occasional Slayer song lyric reference being dropped. I won’t spoil where they are for you of course and leave that to your reading.
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An Overview Of Dark Horse Comics: “Slayer: Repentless” #1

As a lifelong comic book reader and a bunch of decades deep in the Metal fan I love when the larger than life figures on the stages of the world head onto the comic book pages because it’s usually something rather interesting. Now we’ve seen both KISS and Alice Cooper appear in titles over the years and there was even a “Cryptic Writings Of Megadeth” at one point and now it’s Slayer’s turn with “Slayer: Repentless” that come care of Dark Horse Comics. I grabbed the first issue off the stands the other day and am here to give you a quick, hopefully non-spoiler overview of the issue.

I should stress that this is NOT a superhero comic in any way shape or form, and is instead more of a super gritty, super violent tale that makes the doings seen on both “Oz” and “Sons Of Anarchy” placed into a comic book. The tale comes care of scribe Jon Schnepp who did the “The Death Of Superman Returns” film (which you should really watch) and artists Guiu Villanova and Mauricio Wallace and it follows the traumatic life of Wyatt who was raised in a hateful place of neo-Nazi, White Supremacy and is fighting to get out of that life in the best possible fashion. His former family hates him and hunts him but Wyatt is no stranger to this life of violence and hunts the hunters back with deadly skills and suffice it to say this is not a comic book that you want the younger reader in your family breezing through.
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“Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology 2013” by DC Comics

Artist: DC Comics
Title: “Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology 2013”
Label: DC Entertainment
Release Date: 5/28/2013
Genre: Illustrated Medium
Rating: 3.5/5

comic book covers, dc comics, dc entertainment

This free edition was available at the comic shops very recently and it seemed that you were allowed to take a copy with you if you had purchased the new Superman title that was also on the stands. Well, at least this was what I noticed when I caught a glimpse of it at Forbidden Planet in NYC. Now that this free edition is available in a digital format and can be enjoyed either via your Kindle or other mobile devices, I figured let me give it a glance and see what it’s recommending to the fans of this kind of medium. The opening section of the book gives you what the editors have determined to be “25” absolutely essential trade paperback editions and I am happy to report that I have personally read no less than eleven of them. I admit that I was shocked and felt that I would be closer to the complete run of twenty five must have reads but then I glanced over the list a little deeper. There are several that I consider “solid” reads and a nice addition to your collection but as far as “essential” goes? Not too much. Let me preface this by citing how “Watchmen”, “V For Vendetta”, “Dark Knight Returns”, “Killing Joke” and “Kingdom Come” are must haves in ones collection and fantastic reads that you will return to again and again over the years and even make as recommendations to your friends that might be looking to indulge in the medium. I’ll also add the “Saga Of Swamp Thing” and the “JLA” to the mix because from page to page they keep you focused on the story and the incredibly written characters. “Swamp Thing” is just gripping and with “JLA” we were returning to the original core seven greats of the team. Whew was all I could say during those first few issues.

Now since this list is coming care of the editors over at DC Comics they are going to have their favorites and with that being said here are some tomes that I myself view as absolutely essential to own or at least read if visiting a friend that might have it. First up “Green Lantern/Green Arrow”; this title changed the times and how a comic book could be delivered. “Man Of Steel” was the revamp of Superman as done by John Byrne and this is a must have. “Superman Batman Generations”, the first volume brings us a tale of the hero’s first meeting as youths and into their far off future time. It’s a bit of an Elseworlds tale but I loved it. There is also some magic to be found in the book I feel is a seminal tome for collectors with “Crisis On Infinite Earths”. This was the first company-wide revision of their characters and found some of the long standing cast not making it out alive. I’d like to add that there are numerous collected editions of the earliest stories of numerous heroes and based on who you like to follow, should be investigated from the humble beginnings.
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Presenting DC Comics “The New 52″: The Fourth Wave

Logo - The New 52

After having reviewed what seems to be a teeming amount of the releases from DC Comics under their “The New 52” initiative, I admit that I have come to really enjoy presenting some views to our readers and fellow fans of the hobby. Newcomers might not realize that DC Comics started their relaunch back in September 2011, and so far its been broken up into a number of waves. Some titles from back when this began are already long gone and in some sense even a couple of replacements have been cancelled but the new titles always leave us with 52 different titles a month. That being said, we are now at The Fourth Wave of titles and what is interesting to me is how it has been about ten months since we last saw a wave be introduced. The unaffected family of titles falls to the Superman and Green Lantern ones (each currently have four titles per month) but there will be some more coming later in the year for these. I will discuss those at that time.

DC Comics - The New 52

Starting in February of this still brand new year 2013, DC Comics will hit us hard with their Fourth Wave of The New 52 titles and while I will get to the new titles in a few sentences, let’s first take a look at the titles that will be going away. On the cancellation block are “Blue Beetle”, “Frankenstein, Agent Of S.H.A.D.E.”, “Grifter”, GI Combat” and “Legion Lost”. Of the batch of them I think I am really only going to miss the “Franksenstein” title since it was a fun read and quirky at times. Maybe we will find him being called upon in the “Justice League Dark” title since he seems to fit the criteria of being one of DC Universe’s “weirdies”. The reasons I will not really miss the rest are simple. I have not enjoyed the integration of the Wildstorm characters into the traditional DC Universe so that means “Grifter” didn’t win me over. It did have some moments but I always felt these characters were out of place. This was so much different an integration from when DC took all the Charlton Comics characters under their wing after the “Crisis On Infinite Earths”. The war titles I have never been sold on and they are a far cry from the original greatness of Kanigher and Kubert and titles like “The Haunted Tank”, “Sgt. Rock” etc. I preferred the original Blue Beetle title (well, the one with Ted Kord at least) and I felt that The Legion Of Super Heroes was best left in the future with the occasional trip to the past. That’s all I have to say about that.

Joining “The New 52” for this Fourth Wave are “Justice League of America”, “Justice League of America’s Vibe”, “Katana”, “Threshold” and “Constantine”. So what do I think for this go round? I’m very open to an additional Justice League title but am not sure what to expect of this particular team. “JLI” was interesting in it’s own right so let’s see what happens. “Vibe” was never a compelling character to me when he was in the way back in the day “JLA” of the 90’s so his getting a title struck me rather strange. “Katana” I always enjoyed from her original appearance as an Outsider and she did fine with the Birds Of Prey so perhaps this one will stick. “Threshold” brings some characters from other titles into a more cosmic playing field and I think we needed that outside of what Green Lantern or Superman often give us. “Constantine” will be the one with the most attention as it finds the Brit now fully entrenched in the conventional DC Universe as opposed to Vertigo where his “Hellblazer” title just finished at issue #300. Constantine is also a member of the Justice League Dark but this new title will likely allow him to interact with other heroes and villains of the DCU. I’m most intrigued about his happenings. So what do you readers think? The comments are open for opinions and of course we shall be striving to review many of these titles going forward.

Official Website: www.dccomics.com

Readers can peruse all of our existing blogs about “The New 52? by using this tag – http://piercingmetal.com/tag/the-new-52/

Presenting DC Comics “The New 52”: The Third Wave

I’ve been reviewing as many of the titles as possible here on the PiercingMetal Musings blog for the big September 2011 initiative by DC Comics that they called “The New 52” and now that the first and second wave have passed it is time for, yep you guessed it, the Third Wave. It sure seems kind of soon but oh well, I am not in charge of how they do things over at DC Comics. So what does this one entail? Well according to what I have read the latest titles to get the chopping block are “Justice League International”, “Captain Atom”, “Resurrection Man”, and “Voodoo”. I was always kind of 50/50 on these books in the first place and am not surprised to see some of them go. I did enjoy “JLI” and “Resurrection Man” but even the redo of this last character was better the first time around. “Captain Atom” kind of lost me, and “Voodoo” never really did it for me. Sorry to those creative teams who put them out there, I mean no offense to your work. I guess I am getting fussy about what I sit down and read these days.

The other day DC Comics let on what the Third Wave of titles would be and those are “Talon”, “Sword of Sorcery”, “Phantom Stranger”, and “Team 7”. Let’s look at where they will land as far as the existing family of titles go. Nothing is being added to the Justice League, Young Justice, Green Lantern or Superman titles with this bunch but “Talon” falls to the “Batman” related titles and now gives that family of releases thirteen titles. Holy printing press Batman that is a lot of titles to keep up on. One title joins “The Edge” roster and two more become part of “The Dark”.

PiercingMetal Thoughts: What do I think for this go round? I’m curious about how “The Phantom Stranger” will do in a full on title because the overall mysterious nature of the character leaves him to be most exciting when used in a sparing fashion. “Sword Of Sorcery” brings back Amethyst Princess Of Gemworld to the DC Universe and offers a backing feature with Beowulf. As far as Team 7 goes, I am not sure. I was only ever a casual fan of the title when it was originally in the Wildstorm world so let’s see what happens. What do you readers think?

Official Website: www.dccomics.com

Readers can peruse all of our existing blogs about “The New 52” by using this tag – http://www.piercingmetal.com/?tag=the-new-52