Tag Archives: colton haynes

Tonight: “Arrow” Season 7 Premiere On The CW Network (10/15/2018)

Though “Arrow” was the first of this group of DC Comics live-action superhero shows, it’s premiere comes after “The Flash”, “Black Lightning” and “Supergirl” which I found a little surprising. Anyway, the shows seventh season begins tonight and I’ve secured the dramatic poster along with a recap of the previous season doings and some casting. Let’s go.

television posters, warner brothers television, arrow

Season 6 Recap: In season six, after an explosive battle on Lian Yu, Oliver must balance being a vigilante, the mayor, and a father to his son William. At the same time, new enemies emerge, initially led by hacker Cayden James, who puts together a team with drug dealer Ricardo Diaz, metahuman vigilante Vincent Sobel, Russian mobster Anatoli Knyazev, and Black Siren. As James loses control of his cabal, Ricardo Diaz comes to the fore, announcing to Green Arrow his scheme to take over Star City’s criminal underworld and control the city’s political infrastructure, all while Oliver must contend with his former teammates forming a rival team. As Diaz takes control of the city, Oliver is forced to recruit the aid of the FBI, in exchange for him publicly announcing his identity and going to federal prison. In the finale, Oliver is imprisoned in a supermax penitentiary. (c/o Wiki).
Continue reading Tonight: “Arrow” Season 7 Premiere On The CW Network (10/15/2018)

Tonight: “American Horror Story: Cult” (9/5/2017)

american horror story logo

Fans of the anthology series “American Horror Story” will likely be interested as the seventh season begins tonight with the brand new story line “Cult”. Check out the creepy poster, some assumed premise and the cast below.

The Premise: I’ve read that the beginning of this season will play on the stuff we have found happening at the onset of the recent Election. Sure why not, because its not like there isn’t anything crazy going on with the administration that has the world of Facebook on its ears already. I guess that this will also play with some cult figures over the years but since there was NOT an official series premise on the Wikipedia where I cull some investigative stuff from I cannot say anymore.
Continue reading Tonight: “American Horror Story: Cult” (9/5/2017)

Airing Tonight: “Arrow” Season 2 (10/9/2013)

Check your aim, draw back your bow and let the arrow fly…….I’m sorry I just made that up since I felt I needed something but tonight is the night that the second season of the CW Networks own series “Arrow” begins. The show follows the adventures of Oliver Queen, who comic book fans know better as The Green Arrow but for this show he is simply called “Arrow”. Check out the cool poster for S2.

Poster - Arrow - S2

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