The Press Release:
The leading publisher of music-based graphic novels continues to make noise, announcing huge names from music and comics in attendance at this year’s convention to debut and announce future projects throughout the weekend! In partnership with American Music Supply, fans will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet some of the biggest names behind Z2’s 2021 publishing slate including a special appearance by originators of rap and rock’s crossover, Chuck D of Public Enemy and all five members of Anthrax!

First up on Friday at 1-2 pm, My Chemical Romance and Electric Century’s Mikey Way will sign advance copies of his upcoming graphic album Electric Century with co-writer Shaun Simon (The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys)!
Continue reading Z2 Comics Announces Signings and Programming @ New York Comic Con 2021 →

Artist: Anthrax
Venue: East River Park (New York, NY)
Opener: Valient Thorr, Black Gold
Date: 2/5/2009
Label: Megaforce Records
When I glanced at the temperature in NYC today and found it to be about zero degrees according to the “real feel” aspect, I had determined that it would probably be a better idea to spend it inside and catch up on the CD and DVD releases as opposed to going anywhere out about the town. Of course tonight would also be the night of the Red Bull Snow Scraper event where a number of top ranked snowboarders would be competing, and the event would be closed out by the legendary Metal sounds of our city’s own Anthrax. Since I had braved the elements only a couple of evening’s previous to this to go to see The Answer at another venue, I felt that I could easily handle this nights adventures as well. That night found the city being hit with a pretty decent snowstorm and I felt that if I could get to that show then I could not let the mere brutal cold air be responsible for stopping me from checking out Anthrax. The night would also feature performances from Valient Thorr and Black Gold and sadly by the time I got down there the Valient guys had already finished their set and Black Gold was closing up on their own. I had about an hour to kill so I looked around the event and really loved the set up they did. They had a giant structure which seemed to be about ten stories high and this is where the heavy competing was to take place. It really seemed as though the fans of the sport were getting a great experience from this free event that was hosted by the popular energy drink makers. My goal was the music and while I would have enjoyed seeing Valient, I had to say that Black Gold was not doing it for me. I didn’t like what I was hearing and their sound came off as out of place between what I knew Valient was all about and what I was full aware of what Anthrax would do. Lucky the time grew close for the brief set of the legendary thrashers as 9:00pm was closing in on my watch.
Continue reading Anthrax @ East River Park (2/5/2009) →
Where Heavy Music & Pop Culture Collide