Tag Archives: chris giarrusso

Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Four, Part One (10/9/2016)

Congratulations readers you have safely arrived at the final batch of posts for the 2016 NY Comic Con. I’ve been doing this sort of post for a couple of weeks in order to make sure I got all of the necessary images to your favorite device. Today begins the Sunday session of NYCC which is the “Family Day” event. That means a whole LOT of little ones are scurrying about so you need to pay attention. If you are just now joining into the proceedings please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. I’ll start my visuals with a super team of creatives in Marjorie Liu and Amy Chu. I need to look more into Marjorie’s work as “Monstress” sure sounds interesting. Amy is known to me for her work on the brand new KISS Comic which I have read in previews. They were at the Comixology table signing the trading cards with their faces on them.

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Four, Part One (10/9/2016)

PiercingMetal Goes To Book Expo America 2013: Part 1 (5/30/2013)

It’s been a couple of years since I had adventured into the Book Expo America, and the first time around I had been able to attend the Blog Expo during the very same week which made the educational time all the more exciting. This year there would be no co-location with the blogging event and the halls of Javits were dedicated to the Book Expo alone. I would be joined by my stalwart colleague Skeleton Pete and our goal would be to focus on the properties that appeal to our mutual reader demographic. Join me on this largely photographic journey and by all means enjoy.

This is just a visual of the outside of the area designated as the Press Room. Essentially this was a cordoned off by a curtain space in the lobby of the Javits that had some tables and electricity and WiFi so we members of the media could keep our Social Networks in tune with the happenings around us. They also had coffee which I found to be a very welcome thing at the hour that we had arrived 🙂

book expo america, bea 2013, book expo america 2013

One of the first stops we made was at the signing tables to check in with author D.L. King who would be offering up a new book that she edited and contributed tales to.

book expo america, bea 2013, book expo america 2013
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To Book Expo America 2013: Part 1 (5/30/2013)