Tag Archives: chiller theatre

Gadzooks!!! Chiller Theatre Is Postponed Until 2021

chiller theatre graphic

Back in April, we helped share the news that the Chiller Theatre Expo was postponing their Spring Expo for the Fall one in October (seen HERE) and now I am afraid there is more bad news to bring to your attention. The show is cancelled in full for this year. In case your chosen device doesn’t let you read the graphic, I’ve typed up the information down below for good measure. Read one.

The Statement:
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemmic in the US, for the safety of our staff, our guest and our patrons we’ve made the decision that there will be no Chiller Theatre this October.
Continue reading Gadzooks!!! Chiller Theatre Is Postponed Until 2021

Great Caeser’s Ghost! Chiller Theatre Has Cancelled The Spring Show

chiller theatre graphic

This next announcement probably isn’t going to really surprise you since we’ve already found a number of tours and conventions being postponed for the time being with some also being cancelled altogether. In the event that you can’t read the words on the image based on the device your checking this out on, I’ve typed them up for you as well down below. Take a look.

The Statement:
Despite our best efforts, the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic, the sheer tragedy it’s causing to numerous families and ongoing uncertainty in the US and our tri-state area, for the safety of our staff, our guest and our patrons we’ve made the only decision we could, to cancel our Spring 2020 show.
Continue reading Great Caeser’s Ghost! Chiller Theatre Has Cancelled The Spring Show