Tag Archives: carrie-anne moss

Lucasfilm Presents “The Acolyte” Official Trailer

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The Disney+ streaming service has really been delivering some cool, universe expanding stories under their “Star Wars” franchise. Shows like “The Mandalorian” and “Andor” bring us to right after the original trilogy and right before it and now its time to scroll way, way back in time for “Star Wars: The Acolyte”. I’ve secured the recently dropped trailer along with the basic premise, casting and some art so I hope you all enjoy it. Take a look.

The Premise: The Acolyte is set at the end of the High Republic era in a world of “shadowy secrets and emerging dark side powers”, approximately 100 years before “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace”. A former Padawan reunites with her Jedi Master to investigate a series of crimes, but the forces they confront are more sinister than they ever anticipated. (c/o Wiki)
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Warner Brothers Pictures “The Matrix Resurrections” Official Trailer

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It’s been a long time since we’ve visited the world of “The Matrix” and soon enough we shall be heading there again with Neo and his crew thanks to Warner Brothers Pictures. The film will be released in theaters and very likely also on HBO Max this December and now you can enjoy the first trailer for the release down below. I’ve also added in some premise, casting and a little promotional art. Based on the popularity of this franchise, I expect to be doing a few posts to entertain our readership. Enjoy.

Premise: Twenty years after the events of The Matrix Revolutions, Neo lives a seemingly ordinary life under his original identity as Thomas A. Anderson in San Francisco, with a therapist who prescribes him blue pills to counteract the strange and unnatural things he occasionally glimpses. He also meets a woman who appears to be Trinity, but neither of them recognize each other. However, when a new version of Morpheus offers him the red pill and reopens his mind to the world of the Matrix, which has become more secure and dangerous in the years since the Smith infection, Neo joins a group of rebels to fight a new enemy.
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Now Streaming: “Jessica Jones” Final Season on Netflix (6/14/2019)

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Good early morning to you my ready to binge-watch readers, if you are reading this post in the predawn hours then you are much more of a Marvel Television diehard than I am. I’ve been falling asleep before midnight lately but I digress because its from all the running around I’ve been doing. So here we are with the final season on Netflix for Marvel’s “Jessica Jones”. As you know, the streaming service cancelled all of the exciting series that it launched a few years ago with “Daredevil”, “Luke Cage”, Iron Fist”, “The Defenders” and “The Punisher”. I fell behind in my watching but did love them all with some being better than the others and if you missed the recently revealed trailer for this final season please click HERE. Let’s review the Official Poster, premise and casting once more before we go.

television posters, promotional posters, marvel television, netflix, jessica jones

The Premise: “When Jessica crosses paths with a highly intelligent psychopath, she and Trish must repair their fractured relationship and team up to take him down. But a devastating loss reveals their conflicting ideas of heroism and sets them on a collision course that will forever change them both.” (from Netflix)
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Netflix Presents: “Jessica Jones” Final Season Official Trailer

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Well my friends, as I post this trailer I hear the strains of The Doors “The End” because we are now sharing the last trailer for the final of the Marvel Netflix series which as you know have all been cancelled by the network. I know it still seems hard to process because they were all so good but the last one to air is the third and final season of “Jessica Jones”. Let’s watch the trailer and then enjoy some more about the series while we can.

The Premise: “When Jessica crosses paths with a highly intelligent psychopath, she and Trish must repair their fractured relationship and team up to take him down. But a devastating loss reveals their conflicting ideas of heroism and sets them on a collision course that will forever change them both.” (from Netflix)
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Now Streaming: “Jessica Jones” Season 2 On Netflix (3/8/2018)

It was about a month ago that Netflix first gave us the full-trailer for the second season of Marvel’s “Jessica Jones” and if you missed that post just click HERE to catch up with us. Okay now that you are back you’re probably eager to get your binge on as the full second season is available for streaming as you read this. Below you can find the premise of the season along with the poster and casting.

The Premise: Following the tragic end of her brief superhero career, Jessica Jones tries to rebuild her life as a private investigator, dealing with cases involving people with remarkable abilities in New York City. After her encounter with Kilgrave, Jones begins to put her life back together, taking on a new case that makes her reluctantly confront her past and who she really is. (thanks Wiki).

The Cast/Characters:
Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones
Rachael Taylor as Patricia “Trish” Walker
Carrie-Anne Moss as Jeri Hogarth
Eka Darville as Malcolm Ducasse
Leah Gibson as Ingrid
J.R. Ramirez as Oscar
David Tennant as Kilgrave

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ve already mentioned that I am a fan of these shows so I will not expand upon that at this time. I’ll be watching it at some point but I will not be binge watching the same way that my friends do because once its over its over there is nothing else as far as Marvel shows goes. Are you planning on binging this one? Have you seen the other shows and are now well-grounded in the Marvel Small Screen Universe? If you still need to start, here is the running order that you should do: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Daredevil (Season 2), Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Defenders and The Punisher. It’s a lot to watch sure but trust me its worthwhile time spent if you are a fan of this stuff. Closing up let me remind our MCU viewing readers that “Thor: Ragnarok” is now on Blu-ray and DVD for you to add to your collection AND perhaps the coolest news of all – “Avengers: Infinity War” is now opening up at the end of April instead of May. See you next time.

Official Series Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Jones_(TV_series)