Tag Archives: cara buono

Now Streaming: “Stranger Things” Season 4 Part 2 on Netflix (7/1/2022)

stranger things logo, stranger things, television show logos, netflix

With programs like “Stranger Things” being able to be binge watched in full the moment they premiere; the fans must have felt the rug pulled out from under them when they learned that they had to wait until today to see the final two chapters of Season Four. Last week I shared the Official Trailer for these two episodes and you can check that out by clicking HERE. I still haven’t dove into the series and really must get around to that when time permits but we are here at the finale for Season Four just the same. Down below you’ll find some new art and a repeat of the premise and casting.

television posters, promotional posters, stranger things, stranger things posters, netflix original

The Premise: It’s been six months since the Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Struggling with the aftermath, our group of friends are separated for the first time – and navigating the complexities of high school hasn’t made things any easier. In this most vulnerable time, a new and horrifying supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a gruesome mystery that, if solved, might finally put an end to the horrors of the Upside Down.
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Netflix Presents: “Stranger Things” Season 4 Part 2 Official Trailer

stranger things logo, stranger things, television show logos, netflix

The fourth season of the Netflix Original series “Stranger Things” made its premiere on the streaming service a couple of months ago and that was only Part One of the saga. The Part Two is coming up soon and the trailer for it has recently dropped. You can check that out down below along with the basic premise, casting and some new artwork.

The Premise: It’s been six months since the Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Struggling with the aftermath, our group of friends are separated for the first time – and navigating the complexities of high school hasn’t made things any easier. In this most vulnerable time, a new and horrifying supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a gruesome mystery that, if solved, might finally put an end to the horrors of the Upside Down.
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Now Streaming: “Stranger Things” Season 4 on Netflix (5/27/2022)

stranger things logo, stranger things, television show logos, netflix

Since it was only the other day that we shared the Final Trailer, you might still have “Stranger Things” on your mind and if you didn’t see said trailer just click that highlighted text before continuing on to the news that Season Four is premiering as you read this on the Netflix Streaming Service. While I have yet to watch this series, I did enjoy the trailer and its making me considering a few days of binge-watching to get caught up before the second half premieres in July. Oh yeah, this is only part one of the fourth season. As per our usual practice some of the premise and casting follows the Official Release poster. Check it out.

television posters, promotional posters, stranger things, stranger things posters, netflix original

The Premise: It’s been six months since the Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Struggling with the aftermath, our group of friends are separated for the first time – and navigating the complexities of high school hasn’t made things any easier. In this most vulnerable time, a new and horrifying supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a gruesome mystery that, if solved, might finally put an end to the horrors of the Upside Down.
Continue reading Now Streaming: “Stranger Things” Season 4 on Netflix (5/27/2022)

Netflix Presents: “Stranger Things” Season 4 Final Trailer

stranger things logo, stranger things, television show logos, netflix

The fourth season of the Netflix Original hit series will premiere in the coming days and we’ve touched upon the subject already with the first trailer (seen HERE). While I am surprised that the Final Trailer comes so close to the series premiere it is down below for your consumption along with some other information that you might want. Enjoy.

The Premise: It’s been six months since the Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Struggling with the aftermath, our group of friends are separated for the first time – and navigating the complexities of high school hasn’t made things any easier. In this most vulnerable time, a new and horrifying supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a gruesome mystery that, if solved, might finally put an end to the horrors of the Upside Down.
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Netflix Presents: “Stranger Things” Season 4 Official Trailer

stranger things logo, stranger things, television show logos, netflix

According to what I’ve read, its been three years since the world has gotten episodes of “Stranger Things” and soon enough that craving will be satisfied since the fourth season will be heading our way at the end of May. We had a Teaser Trailer way, way back in 2020 before the pandemic (click the highlighted text to see it) and now at long last comes the Official Trailer. I’ve added some premise and casting for good measure.

The Premise: It’s been six months since the Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Struggling with the aftermath, our group of friends are separated for the first time – and navigating the complexities of high school hasn’t made things any easier. In this most vulnerable time, a new and horrifying supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a gruesome mystery that, if solved, might finally put an end to the horrors of the Upside Down.
Continue reading Netflix Presents: “Stranger Things” Season 4 Official Trailer