Tag Archives: brian viglione

“Happy Halloween” 2018: Rockers Divulge Their Favorite Horror Films

Last year, I had asked what the very favorite Horror films might be among a wide assortment of the musicians that I had met over the last few years while covering shows and special events. The fun disclosures can be reviewed HERE for those who are new to our offerings and might have missed that when it first ran. Yesterday, I decided to do it again with some of the people that I didn’t get around to that last time and while there are only a few, its still fun to find out what spooks some of our talented friends. Let’s get down to business in finding out what some of Hard Rock and Metal’s best and brightest find to be their favorite and scariest films and what makes this be the case. Scroll down…..if…you…dare……Bwahahahaha!!!!

Margarita Monet (Edge Of Paradise): What i love about Horror films is that they are so much fun to watch with with friends, I wouldn’t watch them alone, it’s way more fun to be terrified together. I love the classics like the “A Nightmare On Elm Street”. But for my favorite, I would have to go with “The Ring”, and not just because the movie was so great, it had all the right bone chilling elements, but watching it with my friends in middle school and acting out as the creepy girl coming out of the TV for weeks later, just brings really fun memories about those days, and maybe we’ll give “The Ring 2” a chance.

“Metal Mike” Chlasiak (Halford, Sebastian Bach, Solo): I liked “Hellraiser” because the main character (Pinhead) looked like the evil brother of The Metal God.
Continue reading “Happy Halloween” 2018: Rockers Divulge Their Favorite Horror Films

Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 3

new year's music resolutions

Hello again, it’s great that you are sticking with our New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012 Blog Series, and welcome to Wednesday or our “third times the charm edition”. As you have seen over the last couple of days posts, we posed the inquiry to a number of musical greats about what their resolutions might be as it relates to Metal or Music on the whole. I’ve loved what we got back from them and without any further adieu, please enjoy this chapter.

Stu Block (lead vocals for Iced Earth): My New Years Resolutions for 2012 is, to broaden my knowledge to the things that are happening in my country, politically and financially. Eat healthier and work out more.

Oliver Palotai (keyboards for Kamelot & Sons Of Seasons): My New Years Musical Resolution is to continue making good music and to further kick the mainstream in the ass!

Nick Avila (bassist for Powerglove): Powerglove’s New Years Metal resolution for 2012 is to overcome our Skyrim addictions, and write and record a new Video Game album for you. We are also exploring the logistics of building a Starburst cannon, setting up a Powerglove video game metal convention, touring Japan, and entering the world beard and moustache championships. Seeing as none of us currently have moustaches, we have our work cut out for us, but with a combination of Rogaine, miracle grow, and self determination, I believe we have a good shot at failure. Cheers to failure, and Happy New Year to you all!
Continue reading Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 3

Face Of The Sun @ Pianos (5/15/2011)

Face Of The Sun is a relatively new band in New York City’s underground music scene and they might be interesting to those fans of drummer Brian Viglione (who many might know from The Dresden Dolls).  I was directed to them by one of the many rising stars that I am fortunate enough to meet as a journalist and at her directive I made sure to be in place for the bands performance at Piano’s on the Lower East Side.  This is an intimate club when it comes down to it, and smack dab in the middle of a very active music and restaurant scene.  While I was down there I made sure to visit the relatively new Idle Hands bar and also down some tasty Mexican grub at San Loco.  Once the physical appetite and thirst were sated it was time to get the musical jones attended to by walking into Piano’s.  To read the full on concert report just scroll past the bands logo below; Then I urge you to keep on scrolling down the blog post to see some side images and even some video that are easily enjoyed here.  We hope that you like this.

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“Live At The Roundhouse London” by The Dresden Dolls

Artist: Dresden Dolls
Title: “Live At The Roundhouse London”
Label: Eagle Vision
Release Date: 7/10/2007
Genre: Punk Cabaret Rock
Rating: 4/5

This incredible concert DVD film captures The Dresden Dolls in concert at London’s famous Roundhouse which was is a venue that once hosted amazing events by The Rolling Stones, The Who and many, many more. While closed for a number of years, its re-opening in 2006 found the band being able to deliver their unique enterprise to a sold out audience and deliver music from their existing two albums, the self-titled “Dresden Dolls” and “Yes, Virginia” – its follow up. The very difficult to classify as one particular kind of group, the best way to label them if such a thing is required of you is as “Gothic Punk Art Cabaret Rock” or something along those lines. The band features both Amanda Palmer (keyboards/vocals) and Brian Viglione (drums/vocals/guitar) and while only a duo they manage to make some incredibly powerful music. The show is a rousing piece of entertainment from beginning to end and draws you into the mix from the very first number which is “Sex Changes” from “Yes, Virginia”. The band delivers of number of styles in the sound and sometimes comes off as something you would hear during a Broadway show to something that one might find going on in a seedy downtown Burlesque joint. In the live sense they sound terrific and Palmer is a madwoman behind the keyboards while the drums are pounded often mercilessly by Viglione. He uses a simple four piece kit and that seems to be all that is necessary to bring the power to their tunes. He is a very solid drummer and shows that keeping it straight forward is something to be admired. As a percussionist myself, I loved a lot of the tempos and patterns he was offering up. Palmer on the keyboards comes off as a natural entertainer and she rarely sits still during the performance, often looking like she is going to launch off of the stool that she sits on during the show.
Continue reading “Live At The Roundhouse London” by The Dresden Dolls