Tag Archives: brian fair

Headbangers Con Announce First-Ever Virtual “Conline” For December

headbangers conline banner

The Press Release:
The 2020 installment of HEADBANGERS CON is back! 2020 tried but could not stop the next edition of Headbangers Con from happening. With live events shuttering worldwide due to the pandemic the masterminds behind this one of a kind music event, Chris 51 (Chris 51 Tattoos, Epic Ink on A&E) and Morgan Rose (Sevendust) decided to take this year’s event online in the first ever virtual edition of Headbangers Con called ‘CONLINE’.

CONLINE is a unique event that gives fans worldwide the ability to participate in intimate online events with their favorite artists. With the next round of artist announcements for the 2020 lineup, Morgan Rose (Sevendust), Shaun Foist (Breaking Benjamin), Rudy Sarzo (Quiet Riot, Ozzy, Whitesnake, Dio), David Ellefson (Megadeth) and Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth) have joined the guest lineup.
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Shadows Fall: Live Photos @ J&R Music World (6/19/2009)

Logo - Shadows Fall

Shadows Fall was promoting a brand new release with a special in-store appearance at the great J&R Music World. That appearance was discussed in length on THIS LINK. Now please enjoy a larger photo gallery from the set.

shadows fall, shadows fall concert photos
Shadows Fall by Ken Pierce (2009)

shadows fall, shadows fall concert photos
Shadows Fall by Ken Pierce (2009)

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Shadows Fall @ J&R Music World (6/19/2009)

Logo - Shadows Fall

Artist: Shadows Fall
Venue: J&R Music World (New York, NY)
Opener: n/a
Date: 6/19/2009
Label: Everblack Industries

Wow, what a way to start off one’s weekend and if you don’t know what I mean then I am referring to the treat that New York City had this past Friday as the mighty Shadows Fall took to the stage at J&R Music World in Downtown, Big Apple. I know you might be confused about such a setting being used for a throttling Metal performer but the occasion was rather special as the music and electronics retailer was celebrating the Grand Opening of their musical instruments store. It is clear that now the consumer can pretty much find everything at this place and that’s a very good thing to know if you have some disposable income that you are wondering what to do with. I know that the store has held host to musical acts in the past but I don’t recall many bands like Shadows Fall participating because its just such an overpowering kind of sound that one wonders how the store would look after the band and their fans relinquished control to the management once again so I was very interested and curious as to how this was going to play out. When I arrived at about 5pm, there were already a few dozen fans in the place and the band was set to play at about 6pm for an abbreviated set. Here’s how it went down.

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Shadows Fall by Ken Pierce (2009)

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“Fallout From The War” by Shadow’s Fall

Artist: Shadow’s Fall
Title: “Fallout From The War”
Label: Century Media Records
Release Date: 6/13/2006
Genre: Thrash Metal
Rating: 2.5/5

The fallout from being one of the quintessential artifacts of the New England Metalcore scene lends itself to the uneventful execution by stalwarts Shadows Fall. Delivering uneven, tremor trembling thrash metal…or something like that from the fallout of a war, the western Massachusetts Metal core mayhem that once defined the SF execution now sees itself come to terms with tumultuous tenacity. The release is a multi-song full-length that is more apt to be an EP or B-side status than a true-to-form full-length album.
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Slipknot @ Continental Airlines Arena (3/5/2005)

Artist: Slipknot
Venue: Continental Airlines Arena, NJ
Opener: Gizmachi, Shadows Fall, Lamb Of God
Label: Roadrunner Records
Date: 3-6-2005

The Slipknot show at Continental Airlines Arena would prove to start with both an interesting as well as annnoying twist. Of the four bands performing, Gizmachi was set to kick it off and the tickets showed a start of 7:00 pm. On walking in at exactly that time we were told by ushers that Gizmachi had played three songs about 30 minutes ago. It is not fair to the audience who pays for the ticket or the band who expects a decent crowd to be there for a show such as this. Instead people were probably wondering why Gizmachi shirts were on sale since they had missed them and were unaware they even played. This band in particular is a discovery of the “Clown” member of Slipknot, so you would think the venue would allot some accommodation. I imagine it beneficial to generate a buzz in a new CD that is coming out. This cant help it at all.

It was also interesting to look around the venue and find it not overly crowded. Given Slipknots overall appeal to the metal fans, and then combine that with the chance to see Shadows Fall and Lamb Of God on the same bill this was odd. Looking inside the venue to the top section, one could see a black curtain draped around the entire structure. This means that not one seat was sold for the entire area. Now that’s a lot of empty seats and it would have seemed bad had it not be covered up. Also random scatters of empty sections which did not fill even at Slipknots time were very visible. I am not sure how or why this is the case, but we made the best of it and still rocked hard. Further investigation had me finding this was considered a scaled-down event, but I still felt Slipknot has the notoriety to fill this venue.
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