Tag Archives: bobby alt

“Street Drum Corps” by Street Drum Corps

Artist: Street Drum Corps
Title: “Street Drum Corps”
Label: Warcon Records
Release Date: 2/21/2006
Genre: Rock Punk Experimental
Rating: 2/5

The debut of Street Drum Corps is one of those releases that seem to be aimed at a core group of music fans and listeners in general. The premise of the group whose membership is Brothers Bobby and Adam Alt along with Frank Zummo finds the three performing all types of drumming mixed in with some DJ mixes and looped recordings. The drumming is unique in the sense that it is not only done on conventional drums but sometimes basic things one sees at a construction site as well as some different types of world percussion devices. The recording while only 22 minutes long is essentially a long drum solo and this is what makes it appeal to only those who either perform themselves or are truly open minded to displays of experimentation. As a drummer myself I am more of a fan of the conventional style and don’t enjoy things that come across like the Broadway musical of “Stomp”. Despite my own reservations there are those that dig seeing what kind of drum patterns can be played on barrels and paint compound drums. Tommy Lee of Motley Crue made his drum solo during the Reunion shows very much like what the members of SDC were doing on this recording and I guess this is what inspired him. It is truly a very urban and streetwise release and could find a fan base among more Funk and Hip Hop oriented fans than Rockers. I suggest sampling this via the band website to be sure you are interested in what they are doing. It’s not for everyone.
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