Tag Archives: batman year one special edition

DC Comics “The New 52″ + Titles Onsale In November 2014

With Halloween over, its time for you readers to stockpile any change that you secured while trick or treating and get over to the comic store to check out these offerings from DC Comics. As you know, we’ve been trying to do these posts on a monthly basis for the companies that we are regularly sinking our teeth into. That said here are the November titles that are beginning or are special editions for the month. I’ve copies some press information and cover art and then will toss you my thoughts at the closing. See you shortly.

Comic - Batman Year One - 1

Batman’s 75th anniversary celebration continues with another promotionally priced special presenting one of the Dark Knight’s greatest tales plus related pages from the 2014 DCE Essential Graphic Novels catalogue! This special kicks off the acclaimed, best-selling tale of Bruce Wayne’s first year as the Dark Knight.

Written by FRANK MILLER; Art and cover by DAVID MAZZUCCHELLI
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