Tag Archives: bandcamp

Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (3/3/2023)

bandcamp, bandcamp logo

Greetings my music minded friends and welcome to March. If you’ve been keeping up with our reports thusfar then you know that the month has already started off with a bit of force. Not only did we get the announcement of the Final KISS Tour dates ever but it was also the 50th Anniversary of Pink Floyd’s amazing “The Dark Side of The Moon” album. Then we learned that Eluveitie founder and lead singer Chrigel would be missing the tour that is only just starting. Whew. The weather here in our Metropolis has been weird with some cool days and some warmer ones but we aren’t here to discuss those things and instead are on point to share that it’s another one of those Bandcamp Fridays and its the second one for 2023 which is cool. I’ve been doing these kinds of posts since the middle of last year in order to try and have said post help the artists out. Since that time I’ve also decided to keep them running on the PiercingMetal website. So what is Bandcamp Friday you might ask if you are one of our newer site visitors, let’s review just what this is shall we?

What Is Bandcamp Friday: Bandcamp Fridays allow artists and labels releasing music to take back 93% of the money earned through sales, with the other 7% being used for processing fees and charges. Launched on the first Friday of March in 2020, Bandcamp Fridays normally take place on one Friday a month (usually the first).
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Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (2/3/2023)

bandcamp, bandcamp logo

Greetings my music minded friends and welcome to February. It’s super cold here in New York City and if you trust the Groundhogs prediction, we are set to have another six weeks of winter. If you view that as utter hogwash since the animal is not a meteorologist I say relax because its a lot of fun thinking that this is actually the reason for the weather changes. So here we are at another one of those “Bandcamp Friday” announcements and this is the very first one for the 2023 year. Last year I pointed out that we’ve taken the page out of the book of some of the other websites that we know and since this actually helps the artists out I’ve decided to make it a regular thing. I also said that this kind of news might be better served over on the Ken Pierce Media site, but since this is aimed at the music side of the fence I run them on PiercingMetal.com for now. Maybe the next one will be over there. Who knows but I digress. So here is a final reminder that the Bandcamp company being acquired by Epic Games (discussed HERE) and while that is some seriously big news I was stoked to find them leaving this particular angle alone. So what is Bandcamp Friday you might ask if you are one of our newbie site visitors, let’s review just what this is shall we?

What Is Bandcamp Friday: Bandcamp Fridays allow artists and labels releasing music to take back 93% of the money earned through sales, with the other 7% being used for processing fees and charges. Launched on the first Friday of March in 2020, Bandcamp Fridays normally take place on one Friday a month (usually the first).
Continue reading Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (2/3/2023)

Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (12/2/2022)

bandcamp, bandcamp logo

Greetings my music minded friends and if I’ve not yet said so in another network, “Welcome To December” and what amounts to the final “Bandcamp Friday” for 2022. For the last few months I’ve taken a card out of some of the other websites deck and done this kind of post to help broadcast this cool initiative. While a news alert like this one would be better suited for the Ken Pierce Media site, since this is aimed at the music side of the fence I run them on PiercingMetal.com for the duration. Legacy readers will likely remember our discussing how Bandcamp was acquired by Epic Games but for the newbies they should click HERE to be on point with the not so latest news. Since we are approaching the “Season of Giving”, I think its super important to send readers to the Bandcamp service to help support the music they love so much. Let’s review just what this is shall we?

What Is Bandcamp Friday: Bandcamp Fridays allow artists and labels releasing music to take back 93% of the money earned through sales, with the other 7% being used for processing fees and charges. Launched on the first Friday of March in 2020, Bandcamp Fridays normally take place on one Friday a month (usually the first).
Continue reading Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (12/2/2022)

Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (11/4/2022)

bandcamp, bandcamp logo

Well hello again my friends, I am so glad to see you here because today is another one of those “Bandcamp Friday” days. I’ve been doing my best to keep up with these from an editorial standpoint because the premise is so cool and when you run a website you can dictate the editorial content at the snap of your own finger. Now the Bandcamp company was acquired by Epic Games back in March and I discussed that HERE in case you missed it and want to be up to speed. Since then I can say that business seems to be just like usual but if any larger changes happen I will be sure to use this space to share the news. Before continuing let’s review just what “Bandcamp Friday” is for those who are just catching up with us on this particular topic.

What Is Bandcamp Friday: Bandcamp Fridays allow artists and labels releasing music to take back 93% of the money earned through sales, with the other 7% being used for processing fees and charges. Launched on the first Friday of March in 2020, Bandcamp Fridays normally take place on one Friday a month (usually the first).
Continue reading Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (11/4/2022)

Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (10/7/2022)

bandcamp, bandcamp logo

Hey there my Friends, so today is what is referred to as “Bandcamp Friday” and you might, just might remember that I shared the news about the network being acquired by Epic Games back in March (seen HERE ICYMI). Now while I have not done as much as I should have for this particular event with the website reach I am trying my best to make up for the lost time and before we continue along let’s review just what “Bandcamp Friday” actually is.

What Is Bandcamp Friday: Bandcamp Fridays allow artists and labels releasing music to take back 93% of the money earned through sales, with the other 7% being used for processing fees and charges. Launched on the first Friday of March in 2020, Bandcamp Fridays normally take place on one Friday a month (usually the first).
Continue reading Attention: Today Is Bandcamp Friday (10/7/2022)