Tag Archives: ashley riot

Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Four, Part One (10/9/2016)

Congratulations readers you have safely arrived at the final batch of posts for the 2016 NY Comic Con. I’ve been doing this sort of post for a couple of weeks in order to make sure I got all of the necessary images to your favorite device. Today begins the Sunday session of NYCC which is the “Family Day” event. That means a whole LOT of little ones are scurrying about so you need to pay attention. If you are just now joining into the proceedings please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. I’ll start my visuals with a super team of creatives in Marjorie Liu and Amy Chu. I need to look more into Marjorie’s work as “Monstress” sure sounds interesting. Amy is known to me for her work on the brand new KISS Comic which I have read in previews. They were at the Comixology table signing the trading cards with their faces on them.

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Four, Part One (10/9/2016)

Exploring NY Comic Con 2015; Day 3 – Part 3

Oh hey there, you’re up. That’s good to see being the case because we’ve been here for quite awhile making sure your view screen is loaded with wonderful images from the recent 2015 NY Comic Con. Though the event has been over for several days by the time you are seeing this, I still have a few more chapters to share with you. Long time readers know we generally post about “50” photos in each of the posts for ease of enjoyment and focus. Let’s start today’s party by saying “I’m the King Of Rock, there is no higher, you sucka MC’s better call me Sire” because that is the one and the only Darryl McDaniels or DMC from the famous Rap group Run DMC. Darryl has his own comics imprint and was enjoying his time at NYCC. He was in Artist Alley and talked to every single fan that came to his table. That is class.

nycc 2015, ny comic con, ny comic con 2015

nycc 2015, ny comic con, ny comic con 2015
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2015; Day 3 – Part 3

Exploring Special Edition NYC 2015: Chapter Four

convention logos, special edition nyc, special edition nyc 2014

Hello again readers and welcome to the continuing coverage of the Special Edition: NYC for 2015; I’m not going to dance around with any long intro right now since we are deep into the mix of this presentation so let’s get the party started by turning up the “Rock Box” and saying hello to Hip Hop legend, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels. Darryl has his own comic output now under Darryl Makes Comics and he was a big hit at the convention today and talked to every fan he met at length. That is class.

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Special Edition NYC 2015 by Ken Pierce (2015)

Not sure if this is a Lady Sif cosplay but am fairly certain that this is Joanna, a talented seamstress that has been met before at Cons.

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Special Edition NYC 2015 by Ken Pierce (2015)

Continue reading Exploring Special Edition NYC 2015: Chapter Four

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2014: Day 3 – Part 2 (10/11/2014)

Well hello again, its nice to see you back here. There is a lot to absorb here from the Day Three things at NY Comic Con so I am just going to get started with some additional adventures from my wanderings in Artist Alley. Here’s Mr. Paul Mounts, colorist supreme.  At times I will note the artist if their name is not displayed but most of the cosplayers I will not since you know these outfits by now I am sure.  Time to zoom zoom zoom.

ny comic con 2014, ny comic con, nycc 2014

ny comic con 2014, ny comic con, nycc 2014
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2014: Day 3 – Part 2 (10/11/2014)

PiercingMetal Goes To New York Comic Con 2011: Day 2; Part 1

Friday was here and we were now at what amounted to the true beginning of the NY Comic Con for 2011. Yesterday’s preview that we managed to get during the Press, Professionals & VIP Ticket Holders day was great, but it was only a three hour tour of what was there and this event is not something that is easily digested in that amount of time by any stretch of the imagination. As mentioned in the first chapter of these adventures I will be breaking the days up into different parts to allow an easier manner of enjoyment. I snapped a lot of photos and the Press adventuring continues now.

ny comic con, ny comic con 2011, nycc 2011

Once again joining me for the Con would be Skeleton Pete as he was mapping out his own coverage on his blog. The weather on Friday was being reported on the questionable side so we arrived at the Javits Center shortly after the doors to the tremendous space had been opened. As we walked down the street we witnessed a lot of the Cosplayers heading in the same direction and our first photo for the day was this charming Harley Quinn. She surprised me when she said she had remembered me and the website from the Emilie Autumn show that was back in February. Here we see her willing to hench for hugs and with a mini Joker.

Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To New York Comic Con 2011: Day 2; Part 1