Tag Archives: ashley ellyllon

Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 5

new year's music resolutions

Hey there you are, so very nice to catch you once again. Welcome to the furious fifth installment of these little blog segments as PiercingMetal continues to share with you the New Year’s Metal or Musical Resolutions for 2012 as offered up by some incredibly talented people. I’ve really enjoyed being able to learn what these most Metal mavens have on their minds and judging by the traffic response so have you fine readers back at home. Check these out.

Jack Frost (lead guitarist for Seven Witches): “Well my New Years Metal Rez is I wanna try to continue n make another in ur face record. There’s nothing like haveing fans tell u how much ur music means to them n gets them through the tough times in their lives. And to try to play live more so my son can come n raise his devil horns to me”.

Ronny Munroe (vocals Trans-Siberian Orchestra, former Metal Church/Lillian Axe): “My New Years Resolution is to continue working on being the best father,friend and person I can be and to spread as much happiness as I can to the ones who need it. Corny I know but thats my resolution”.

Jaymz Lennfield (vocals/guitar for Beatallica): “My New Year’s Musical Resolution is to be as focused as ever on being creative, clever, and fun…and if I can’t, then screw it.”
Continue reading Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 5

“Legend” by Abigail Williams

Artist: Abigail Williams
Title: “Legend”
Label: Candlelight Records
Release Date: 1/23/2007
Genre: Melodic Black Metal
Rating: 4/5

Rising from the sands of Phoenix, Arizona come Abigail Williams, who on their impressive 5-song EP showcase a level of Metal intensity that one expects more from the European providers than from any band that has formed in the States. My reason for saying this is based on the bands use and skillful blending of traditional Norwegian Black Metal, twists of Swedish Gothenburg and the blistering intensity of Hardcore that is often found in the US’s own export – Metalcore. All these styles together might sound weird to you yet the band makes it work and shows just how exciting the results can be when these are mixed together with some sense of purpose. Singer Ken Sorceron growls his way through the EP like a maniacal cross between Dani Filth and Shagrath and perhaps this is what gets them compared to the likes of Cradle Of Filth and Dimmu Borgir on opener “From A Buried Heart”. I have to say that the drumming led me to think more of Dark Tranquility and the overall musical presence on the recording while Black and Extreme lends a lot of its appeal in the Gothenburg aspect. Guitars are handled by Brad Riffs and Elias in on the drums and unrelenting. There is effective use of keyboards by a young lady named Ellyllon and her input successfully kicks this up a notch for the group by their holding a very classical and majestic base on the tracks where the instrument comes off as most prevalent (“Like Carrion Birds” and “The Conqueror Wyrm” specifically). I was glad to hear Ken and company sing with some clean vocals as well and hope this is used more going forward as the genre is changing and finding more place for the dual vocals in the mix nowadays. Perhaps their coming full-length album will find the lovely Ellyllon offering some vocal support and give this band an added push in terms of dynamic and possibility.
Continue reading “Legend” by Abigail Williams