Tag Archives: answer the call

Staind @ Best Buy Theater (9/15/2011)

staind logo

Artist: Staind
Venue: Best Buy Theater (New York, NY)
Opener: n/a
Date: 9/15/2011
Label: Atlantic Records

I think it’s pretty safe to say that I have not experienced a musical week like this particular one ever before and here is why. If you’ve been paying attention to our stories here on PiercingMetal.com, you will know that not only did we lay our level of Metal media scrutiny on the Metal Masters clinic, the not-so secret Anthrax show and the Road Recovery benefit honoring Slash this week, but also the mighty Big Four tour and the Doro Pesch and Arch Enemy shows that preceded the week as well. If you were a fan of the live concert scene and going to shows there was truly no better place to be than New York City this past week and a half. That being said the excitement would continue with this evening’s concert by Staind and here is how that show went down for those who were not able to make it.
Continue reading Staind @ Best Buy Theater (9/15/2011)

Streaming Tonight: Staind Live in NYC (9/15/2011)

This was a first for the PiercingMetal Musings Blog in terms of a live streaming concert and it was pretty cool to be able to offer it to the readership. Now that the original live stream for this show has ended it now appears to be able to be enjoyed via the link below as an archive. With this being the case I have embedded the updated link for your viewing pleasure. A brief synopsis of this show will be posted shortly on the main website and the blog so kindly stay tuned (we saw a secret Anthrax show and The Big Four this week and there is only so much time in the day to put it all together).

Click This Text To Enjoy Staind Live in NYC at The Best Buy Theater


For those in the unaware, the band was performing at Best Buy Theater as part of a 9-11 benefit to help the Answer The Call charity. This organization raises money for the police and firemen’s widows and children fund. Tickets were only $9.11 and the venue was seemingly packed with the bands hard core supporters.

UPDATE: My review and photo gallery from this show can be enjoyed HERE