Tag Archives: andrew wheeler

Marvel Announces “Negasonic Teenage Warhead” One-Shot for November

comic book logos, marvel comics, marvel entertainment

The Press Release:
Negasonic Teenage Warhead’s first-ever solo story arrives at your local comic shop this November! The X-Men character, who became a breakout star thanks to her appearances in the Deadpool films, was spotlighted in an acclaimed arc of Marvel’s Voices Infinity Comic on Marvel Unlimited last year. Now, that entire saga by writer Andrew Wheeler and artist Carola Borelli will be collected in print of the first time in NEGASONIC TEENAGE WARHEAD #1. This one-shot will also include an all-new Negasonic adventure by Wheeler and artist Eleonora Carlini! This whirlwind story sees the young reality-warping telepath team up with Deadpool against the TVA in the name of love!

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment
“Negasonic Teenage Warhead” #1

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Marvel Introduces Escapade In “Marvel’s Voices: Pride” #1 This June

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The Press Release:
As part of Marvel’s ongoing Marvel’s Voices series, readers everywhere will soon meet ESCAPADE in MARVEL’S VOICES: PRIDE #1! Joining fellow LGBTQIA+ Marvel heroes this June, Escapade will debut in the book’s central story, written by acclaimed author Charlie Jane Anders and drawn by artist duo and Eisner-nominated cartoonists Ro Stein and Ted Brandt, with colors by Tamra Bonvillain.

comic book interiors, marvel comics, marvel entertainment
“Marvel’s Voices: Pride” #1 – Escapade

Continue reading Marvel Introduces Escapade In “Marvel’s Voices: Pride” #1 This June