Tag Archives: american international toy fair

PiercingMetal Is Heading To Toy Fair 2019 @ Jacob Javits Center

Hey there readers, just a quick alert about our next few days of activities as the PiercingMetal Outlet will once again be heading to the American International Toy Fair that will be happening at the Javits Center over the next four days. This is our 9th year of attendance and much like the last few years, additional reports will be posted over on “The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken”. Be sure to stay tuned for these narratives so you can be on top of the holiday purchasing season.

toy fair, toy fair 2019, tfny, tfny 2019

Much like our coverage of the New York Comic Con, the Toy Fair adventures will be serialized posts with many of them being direct company focuses to offer greater impact on their product lines. I might do a day by day overview with additional thoughts but that will be a battlefield decision at the moment. Those interested should bookmark THIS TAG as it will bring up anything that gets posted about the 2019 Convention. Some of the reveals have already been shared on the “Toys and Collectibles” Category so check that out as well if time permits. I also encourage that you follow our Official Social Networks of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter since I plan on being very active on them during the event and would love to have you along for the fun discoveries.

Stay tuned for the fun, I can’t wait to share my findings with all of you.

Official Website: https://www.toyfairny.com/

Exploring Toy Fair 2018: LEGO (Part Three)

You should know the drill by now and if you don’t please click THIS POST because it wraps the whole group of adventures together for you. Yes my friends, PiercingMetal is exploring the American International Toy Fair and with this installment am finishing up the discoveries found at the LEGO pavilion. If you missed the previous story, please click HERE so you can follow along in order.  I’m picking up where I left off with some of the creative play building kits.

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018

Minifigs galore!  I love these and am tempted to start a collection.  There are a ton of them though.

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2018: LEGO (Part Three)

Exploring Toy Fair 2018: LEGO (Part Two)

Before I begin, here is a quick question – Have you seen THIS POST yet because if you haven’t I’ve lined out that the PiercingMetal Media Outlet was again exploring the American International Toy Fair and that link will bring a run down of what has gone online before this narrative. If you’ve caught up we can continue along with the offerings from the LEGO brand who had an early morning press preview before the convention opened. If you didn’t see the first part click HERE so you can enjoy it in sequence. I will continue along with some of their “Star Wars” licensed items.

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2018: LEGO (Part Two)

Exploring Toy Fair 2018: LEGO (Part One)

Hey there my friends, so as you can tell I am keeping the posts a coming from the recent adventures at the American International Toy Fair. Much like my coverage of the annual NY Comic Con, this one has a lot of chapters since we are shining light on many different companies. I lined this all out on THIS POST, so please use that as a handy guide if necessary. Today I’ll start sharing my findings from the LEGO pavilion and this visit would be my first time in a few years of doing so. Their booth is an explosion of activity and they set up the group media visit at 7AM on the Saturday morning of Toy Fair. I was excited to come in but boy oh boy did I need a cup of coffee. Let’s explore the assorted lines of awesome that they have this year.

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018

lego, toy fair 2018, lego at toy fair 2018
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2018: LEGO (Part One)

Exploring Toy Fair 2018: Mezco Toyz (Part Two)

mezco toyz logo

Hey there my friends, so as lined out a few times already on THIS POST, The PiercingMetal Media Outlet is giving the American International Toy Fair the once over. Today I am back to share the rest of the stuff found at Mezco Toyz during their press preview and if you didn’t see the first chapter just click HERE so you can start off properly and see this the way you were supposed to.  This post is almost exclusively dedicated to their One:12 Collective line and I don’t think any self respecting geek needs a reminder of which figure is which.  Let’s go.

toy fair 2018, mezco toyz, mezco toyz at toy fair 2018

toy fair 2018, mezco toyz, mezco toyz at toy fair 2018

toy fair 2018, mezco toyz, mezco toyz at toy fair 2018
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2018: Mezco Toyz (Part Two)