Tag Archives: all-new x-men

Marvel Comics First Issues Coming In November 2015

Wow was that a fun-filled October or what? I’m saying it like that because not only did we have a lot of awesome Metal shows to slam around at but also a ton of super cool comic books to read and of course the latest edition of NY Comic Con which I know so many of our regional readers had assembled at in force. So here we are now in November and we will be getting “27” new series from Marvel Comics which amounts to almost a new title per day of the month if you wanted to get playful with math. For the sake of shopping and my own sanity I have marked down all of the new series coming out this month from Marvel Comics and they are listed alphabetically for easy visual digestion. Some will hit the stands this coming week and the rest as the month progresses. As usual the cover art and premise/creative team comes from the publicity team over at Marvel and then I’ll be chiming in. Better start requesting a couple of extra shifts at work to cover this amount of monthly titles because there are just so darned many to choose from. I suggest you keep a pencil and paper near you as you make your way through this massive grouping. Here we go.

"All-New All-Different  Avengers" #1
“All-New All-Different Avengers” #1
"All-New All-Different  Avengers" #2
“All-New All-Different Avengers” #2

All-New, All-Different Avengers #1-2: The Avengers are dead–long live the Avengers! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes–Captain America, Thor, Vision, and Iron Man–are living separate lives, not tied to any team–but when a threat from beyond the stars targets our world, fate draws them together once more, alongside Nova, Ms. Marvel, and Miles Morales a.k.a. Spider-Man!

Mark Waid (w) • Issue #1 – Adam Kubert & Mahmud Asrar (A) – Issue #2 – Adam Kubert (A); Covers by Alex Ross
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Marvel “NOW!” Is Coming In October 2012

In the last quarter of 2011, DC Comics gave us a bold initiative with “The New 52” relaunch of all their titles. Now it’s Marvel Comics turn to offer up an event of massive proportions with Marvel “NOW!” According to what I have read, this will aim to get new readers into these characters stories but it did not appear to be the same kind of dramatic relaunch as we found DC Comics doing and literally starting us all over on their histories. “NOW!” strikes me as new titles beginning with first issues but continuing along with what longer tenured readers already know.

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