Tag Archives: aimee garcia

Netflix Presents: “Lucifer” Final Season Trailer

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The Netflix Original Series “Lucifer” is returning for its sixth and final season in the coming weeks and fans of the show have been glued to its continuing on after being cancelled by Fox after season three. More about the show is below the Official Trailer, and I’ve included some casting along with what I imagine will be the Final Poster. Take a look.

The Plot: The series focuses on Lucifer Morningstar, a handsome and powerful angel who was cast out of Heaven for his rebellion. As the Devil, Lucifer tires of the millennia he spent being the Lord of Hell, punishing people. Becoming increasingly bored and unhappy with his life in Hell, he abdicates his throne in defiance of his father (God) and abandons his kingdom for Los Angeles, where he runs his own nightclub called Lux. When he finds himself involved in a murder investigation, he meets the intriguing Detective Chloe Decker. After helping the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) solve the case by using his power to manipulate humans into revealing their deepest desires, Lucifer accepts a subsequent invitation to work with Chloe as a consultant to the department, and throughout the series, they encounter all sorts of supernatural beings while solving crimes together and developing their relationship. (c/o Wiki)
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Now Streaming: Lucifer” Season 5 Part 2 on Netflix (5/28/2021)

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It was just about a month ago when we shared the trailer for the second half of the “Lucifer” fifth season and if you didn’t see that post and care to keep pace with us just click HERE and we shall wait for your return. Welcome back 🙂 I’m here once more to share the news that the series continues on Netflix at the time of this posting and all episodes will be available to stream right now. Binging if you prefer that term. I’ll share the poster, premise and some casting once more before closing up with some editorial notions.

television posters, promotional posters, lucifer, netflix original, warner brothers television

The Premise: The series focuses on Lucifer Morningstar, a handsome and powerful angel who was cast out of Heaven for his rebellion. As the Devil, Lucifer tires of the millennia he’s spent being the Lord of Hell, punishing people. Becoming increasingly bored and unhappy with his life in Hell, he abdicates his throne in defiance of his father (God) and abandons his kingdom for Los Angeles, where he runs his own nightclub called “Lux”. When he finds himself involved in a murder investigation, he meets the intriguing Detective Chloe Decker. After helping the LAPD solve the case by using his power to manipulate humans into revealing their deepest desires, he accepts a subsequent invitation to become a consultant to the department. Throughout the series, he learns he’s changing into someone who is diametrically different than the devil he is. But with his stubbornness and selfishness, he ends up getting Detective Decker confused about his true being. As the events unfold, several celestial and demonic threats come to Los Angeles; at the same time, Lucifer and Chloe ultimately allow their love for each other to bring them through the darkness. (c/o Wiki)
Continue reading Now Streaming: Lucifer” Season 5 Part 2 on Netflix (5/28/2021)

Netflix Presents: “Lucifer” Season 5 Part 2 Official Trailer

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Fans of the now Netflix Original series “Lucifer” will be excited to know that the trailer for the second half of Season Five is ready for consumption. For those in the unaware, the series was saved by the streaming service when Fox decided to end it with its third season. Let’s take a look.

The Premise: It’s time to meet your new maker! Lucifer is back with eight thrilling new episodes. Season 5 Part 2 premieres May 28th (c/o YouTube).
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Hulu Presents: “Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K.” – Official Date Announcement

marvel's modok tv logo, marvel entertainment

Marvel supervillain M.O.D.O.K. will be getting his own animated series this May and unlike the episodically running “WandaVision” on Disney+, all of the series chapters will be available for immediate binging on the go live date. A brief teaser was recently released by the network and I’ve embedded that for you down below along with the premise and casting. Let’s take a look.

The Premise: After spending years failing to gain control of the world and battling superheroes along the way, M.O.D.O.K., having been removed from his company A.I.M. after it falls into bankruptcy and is sold to the rivaling GRUMBL, begins to deal with his tainting family while facing a mid-life crisis.
Continue reading Hulu Presents: “Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K.” – Official Date Announcement

Now Streaming: “Lucifer” Season 5 on Netflix (8/21/2020)

lucifer television logo, dc entertainment, warner brothers pictures

A little over a month ago I helped to broadcast the return of “Lucifer” with the Season 5 trailer for the now Netflix Original series. If you missed that one just click HERE to be on point because you’re going to want to be up to speed now that it’s on this network service. As per my usual, I’ve loaded up the Official Poster, premise and the casting.

television posters, promotional posters, lucifer, netflix original

The Premise: Lucifer is back and acting…strange. Get ready – this season all your desires will be fulfilled. Season 5 Part 1 will be available to stream immediately as you read this.
Continue reading Now Streaming: “Lucifer” Season 5 on Netflix (8/21/2020)