Tag Archives: 501st legion

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day Two (Part 1)

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Welcome back my dear geek-minded readership, you have arrived at the Day Two portion of PiercingMetal’s editorial takeover and event overview of the New York Comic Con which began this past Thursday. As expected, the overview will follow the same day by day premise until I’m fresh out of images and something to say about them. I mentioned this in the beginning of the Day One stuff, but as a reminder this is my 13th year of attending in an official capacity. There is always a lot to do at this event in terms of chats, photographs and videos. I already did some of everything and the videos are slowly premiering on YouTube. I’ll start off with the “Star Trek” banner that hung overhead the entrance of the Javits Center and before I forget, to see all of the New York Comic Con 2023 posts in a new window just click HERE.

new york comic con, nycc 2023, reedpop, new york comic con 2023, photos from new york comic con 2023

The mysterious Chainsaw Man was the first cosplayer I stopped on Day Two and yes this is more of a character found over and over again at the Anime NYC convention but I do think that the NYCC fans are also following many of the Anime features.

new york comic con, nycc 2023, reedpop, new york comic con 2023, photos from new york comic con 2023
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Scenes From New York Comic Con 2021: Day Three Part 1

new york comic con 2021 logo, new york comic con, reedpop

So here I am once more my friends and that means back at the New York Comic Con and it is the beginning of the Saturday session. Now historically speaking, Saturday is usually the most congested of the conventions four days but lately its seemed that Sunday Family Day is just as chaotic. If you are just joining us I suggest that you click HERE to be able to start from the beginning. This is more fun like that after all. As I’ve pointed out, this year there was a limited amount of tickets and industry badges and the previous two days were not that crowded. On arrival I headed upstairs to capture this visual.

new york comic con 2021, reedpop, nycc 2021, photos from new york comic con 2021, new york comic con

Behold the Press and Industry Area. It looked rather ominous so I snapped this and yeah there are a lot of empty tables but it was early and my fellow media peoples were out doing their thing.

new york comic con 2021, reedpop, nycc 2021, photos from new york comic con 2021, new york comic con
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2021: Day Three Part 1

Now Streaming: “The Mandalorian” on Disney+ (11/12/2019)

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It was just before Halloween when we shared the Official Trailer #2 for the brand-new Star Wars series “The Mandalorian” and this series is now live on the newly launched Disney+ streaming service. Below you can find the official poster and some other coolness, and I’ll return at the close with some editorial opinion.

television posters, promotional posters, disney plus, the mandalorian

The Premise: Star Wars: The Mandalorian takes place a few years “after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order” and follows “a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic”.
Continue reading Now Streaming: “The Mandalorian” on Disney+ (11/12/2019)

Disney+ “The Mandalorian” Official Trailer 2

the mandalorian logo

With the new Disney+ streaming service going online in just under two weeks, we are starting to hear more and more about deals for the early to it and before I get into the subject at hand, please take a look at this announcement that I posted over on “The Chronicles” from Verizon (click HERE). One of the biggest highlights is coming on the service care of “The Mandalorian” series and now we have a second trailer to enjoy. Check it out.

The Premise: Star Wars: The Mandalorian takes place a few years “after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order” and follows “a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic”.
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Disney+ “The Mandalorian” Official Trailer

the mandalorian logo

The more I hear about the upcoming Disney+ streaming service, the more I am convinced that it will be a day one subscription for me. Now the chatter has been high about the live-action Star Wars series “The Mandalorian” and it was just a short time ago that the fans attending the D23 Fan Expo got a look at the first trailer and now that its public so can we. Let’s watch.

The Premise: Star Wars: The Mandalorian takes place a few years “after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order” and follows “a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic”.
Continue reading Disney+ “The Mandalorian” Official Trailer