Welcome back my dear geek-minded readership, you have arrived at the Day Two portion of PiercingMetal’s editorial takeover and event overview of the New York Comic Con which began this past Thursday. As expected, the overview will follow the same day by day premise until I’m fresh out of images and something to say about them. I mentioned this in the beginning of the Day One stuff, but as a reminder this is my 13th year of attending in an official capacity. There is always a lot to do at this event in terms of chats, photographs and videos. I already did some of everything and the videos are slowly premiering on YouTube. I’ll start off with the “Star Trek” banner that hung overhead the entrance of the Javits Center and before I forget, to see all of the New York Comic Con 2023 posts in a new window just click HERE.
The mysterious Chainsaw Man was the first cosplayer I stopped on Day Two and yes this is more of a character found over and over again at the Anime NYC convention but I do think that the NYCC fans are also following many of the Anime features.
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day Two (Part 1)