Tag Archives: 2013 new year’s music resolutions

New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 12

new year's music resolutions

Well my Metal legions we have finally reached the last chapter of our “New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2013” and holy mackeral this was a doozy when compared to last year’s series. The last few resolution quotes that we have are below, but first I want to thank everyone who participated in the series and those media resources that reached out to their talent pool to get us some really awesome stuff. You all made a very fun project all the more exciting. Now let’s get to the final resolutions and onto our new year’s blogging and reporting.

1. Noah Martin (Arsis): This year, I firstly hope to finally refinish my ESP with transparent neon green. My practice regiment will include, but not be limited to, an additional two hours, devoted wholly to slide vibrato and hair windmills. Arsis will make “Unwelcome” a critically-acclaimed and successful album through proper touring and positive reception from the press. Happy New Year’s!

2. Chris Catero (Razer): My New Year’s Music Resolution is to become something more than a caveman on my home ProTools rig!

3. Fred LeClercq (Dragonforce): “New Year’s Music Resolution is workin on my different projects as well as writing songs for a new Dragonforce album. The only challenge is to know which riff suits what band. But still its fun. That. And also try to drink less while on tour thats another challenge, haha”
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New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 11

new year's music resolutions

Hails and Hello to The Metal Republic, my hope is that our continuing series opening finds you all well. Now that we are at Chapter Eleven, I have to admit that I never expected the responses to be this awesome but of course I am very glad for them when it all comes down to it. Okay, enough from me, let’s get back into the “New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2013” as contributed by some great talents.

1. Tyler Burrow (Publicist): “It is such a great feeling to be embraced by the music scene in NYC. Such an amazing community of people with brilliant minds and beautiful souls. I look forward to being part of discovering and nurturing new talents in the New Year and help others speak the language that the entire world understands, and that’s music.”

2. Kevin Quirion (Deicide, Order of Ennead, Shadow Society): For 2013, I want to finish up some songs that have been just sitting around for awhile. Also I would like to find one new band that I really enjoy. Its been awhile. Oh yeah, try and see Ghost this year too.

3. Benny Rose (Ghosts Of Eden): “To have 2013 be the year of the Ghosts! To make my late father proud of being able to push all these years and struggle to be a part of something so special. To be the pioneers of bringing Velvet Grunge out as a genre.”
Continue reading New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 11

New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 10

new year's music resolutions

Whew. How are you all doing? Are you still with me as we press on towards the final stages of our “New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2013”? Man I sure hope so because this has been a ride like no other and I am loving getting the plans of the Metal and Rock greats out to your computer or mobile device screens. Here we go with Chapter Ten. Enjoy.

1. Jason Lekberg (Ikillya): My resolution for 2013 is to make the best album of my career thus far and hopefully share it with as many people as possible. 🙂

2. Michael Scondotto (The Last Stand/Inhuman): My New Year’s Music Resolution is to play as many shows as possible with The Last Stand, as our debut full length “The Time Is Now” comes out on January 22nd on Eulogy Recordings. Aside from that, look for another Inhuman vinyl edition and maybe my Metal project will surface sometime in 2013???

3. Alberto Rigoni (Solo Artist): Hey world, wanna still hear some good quality music in the future? Please support the bands and artists purchasing their music, digital or CD.. otherwise they will disappear!
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New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 9

new year's music resolutions

They say that the cat has nine lives and such would be the same for this blog series even though I have a couple of more chapters to present to you fine readers. We’ve gotten some great stuff from the musicians and creative entities who were kind enough to participate in the series. So without any further adieu “Welcome to Chapter 9 of our New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2013”.

1. Ronny Munroe (Metal Church): My New Year’s Resolution: To continue to grow musically and mentally, and to put out the best music of my career,wether it be with Metal Church or my own music. That’s it 🙂

2. The Last Vegas: The Last Vegas’ New Year’s Resolution for 2013 is to go organic. Not in a dietary sense mind you, but artistically going back to the raw, the real, the look into your soul to see what is in there and what you can pull out that truly sticks to your and your listeners’ bones. In today’s modern musical climate, the competition for listeners’ attention is fierce, fast and fleeting. Plug in straight, bypass the bullsh*t meter, and get the direct-connect. Any yahoo can have great hair…

3. J.R. Gurrieri (Slam One Down): To Get on the biggest tour that we can and support some great Heavy Metal Bands and to write and record a better record than the one we just put out.
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New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 8

new year's music resolutions

We are off and running my dear readers in The Metal Republic and while it’s only day two of 2013, this is actually part eight of our “New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2013” from Metal and Hard Rock greats. Someone asked me why I actually started this just after Christmas, and well the answer is simple….I started them on 12/26 because I wanted to is why 🙂 Being serious, I do it like this to give you readers something new and interesting as the year closes since its generally a dry time for big happenings. It also lets me better space out the responding quotes. Now onto the regularly scheduled program….

1. Mo “Royce” Petersen (Tragedy: Heavy Metal Tribute To The Bee Gees): We resolve to look like Manowar by the end of 2013. (We already sound exactly like them)

2. Addiction For Destruction: Addiction For Destruction are looking forward to on tour over the world in 2013 and releasing a couple of new videos! We want to keep building our international fan base. Train keeps rollin’, stay tuned!

3. Steph Paynes (Lez Zeppelin): That Lez Zeppelin will be invited to play the Isle of Wight Festival, followed by a UK Tour, during which many magickal things will happen…
Continue reading New Year’s Music Resolutions For 2013: Part 8