I once said that there was never a better time to be a fan of comic books and the vivid stories that come from them and are now finding themselves to the big and small screen. The CW Entertainment network has a half dozen DC Comics superhero shows and now a popular Dark Horse Comics title “American Gods” is getting a second season for its tales. The show is based on the novel by the great Neil Gaiman and the first official trailer for this new season is down below. I’ve also added some premise and the massive casting from last season for those who might only just be learning about the series. Take a look.
The Premise: When Shadow Moon is released from prison, he enters a world he does not understand and meets the mysterious Mr. Wednesday. Left adrift by the recent death of his wife, Shadow is hired as Mr. Wednesday’s assistant/bodyguard. He finds himself in a hidden world where magic is real, where the Old Gods fear irrelevance and the growing power of the New Gods, including Technology and Media. In a grand plan to combat the threat, Mr. Wednesday attempts to unite the Old Gods to defend their existence and rebuild the influence that they have lost, leaving Shadow struggling to accept this new world and his place in it.
The Cast/Characters: Main and Recurring
Ricky Whittle as Shadow Moon
Emily Browning as Laura Moon
Crispin Glover as Mr. World
Bruce Langley as the Technical Boy
Yetide Badaki as Bilquis
Pablo Schreiber as Mad Sweeney
Ian McShane as Mr. Wednesday
Jonathan Tucker as Low Key Lyesmith
Cloris Leachman as Zorya Vechernyaya
Martha Kelly as Zorya Utrennyaya
Erika Kaar as Zorya Polunochnaya
Peter Stormare as Czernobog
Chris Obi as Mr. Jacquel
Mousa Kraish as the Jinn
Omid Abtahi as Salim
Orlando Jones as Mr. Nancy
Demore Barnes as Mr. Ibis
Dane Cook as Robbie
Betty Gilpin as Audrey
Kristin Chenoweth as Easter
Corbin Bernsen as Vulcan
Jeremy Davies as Jesus Prime
Conphidance as Okoye
Beth Grant as Jack
Kahyun Kim as the new goddess New Media
Sakina Jaffrey as Mama-Ji
Dean Winters as Mr. Town
Devery Jacobs as Sam Black Crow
PiercingMetal Thoughts: Sadly, I never managed to see a single episode of this series because I didn’t have the STARZ network as a part of my cable plan for that long. Once it had aired, I had hopes that it might make its way to Netflix but I am starting to think that these premium channels keep their programming to their own subscriber services. Oh well, maybe one of these days a friend will purchase a DVD set and I can see it then. I’ve not read the book yet either but do own the first couple of issues of the comic book by Dark Horse Comics since I was trying to be supportive. At the time of this writing I need to look for a collected edition since I have too many single issues laying around the apartment as it is. Did you see the first season of his series? Will you be watching again and do you recommend to folks like myself who would need to figure something out to see it? Please chime in down in the comments below and I shall see you again soon.
Official Series Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Gods_(TV_series)