Welcome back my friends and might I add that it is so nice to see you here early in the AM. As previously reported, PiercingMetal is in attendance at the 2019 New York Comic Con and it’s our 10th Annual go round at this event. I’ve also suggested that those who are just joining us should be clicking HERE first so they can see all of the posts related to this massive happening. Picking up where we left off yesterday I present my final image from the Heavy Metal Magazine booth, a celebratory tome from the band Megadeth. This is a fantastic collectible for sure.
I was sticking in the area known as “The Block” for a lot of my Day One wanderings, and as I passed the Impact Theory Comics booth, met “Neon Future” writer Jim Kreuger. This is a comic series based on a Steve Aoki story. The company was giving away signed copies so of course I took one.
These next bunch of photos are from one of our favorite companies, Super7. They are the creators of the ReAction Figures and they have so many awesome properties to deliver to the collector. Let’s take a look at their presence at NYCC.
These next few images focus on the booth setup by Eaglemoss Collections. We’ve been fans of their stuff for years in terms of the miniature Star Trek starships, the assorted Batmobiles and the super-hero figurines. Let’s take a look at what’s out now.
Here’s another familiar face to our convention explorations, the prolific scribe Nicoline Evans. It’s always nice to drop by and see what she is up to.
Here’s a couple of items from our friends at Diamond Select Toys. I probably should have bought that Vinimates of “The Batman Who Laughs”.
That’s going to bring me to the end of this installment. I’ll be back tomorrow with another post from this massive event. Remember to click through to some of the website links down below to learn more about these companies and artists and all their offerings. Don’t forget to follow PiercingMetal on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube so you don’t miss a second of the fun. See you next time.
Official Websites:
New York Comic Con: http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Diamond Select Toys: http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/
Eaglemoss Collections: https://shop.eaglemoss.com/usa/
Golden Bell Studios: https://goldenbelldirect.com/marshfellows/
Image Comics: https://imagecomics.com/
Impact Theory Comics: https://comics.impacttheory.com/
Kojima Productions: http://www.kojimaproductions.jp/en/
Monte Michael Moore: https://www.mavarts.com/
Neil Gibson: https://twitter.com/twistedneil
Nicoline Evans: https://nicolineevans.com/
Rubie’s Costume Collection: https://www.rubies.com/
Rune Works Productions: https://www.runeworks.com/
Super7: https://super7.com/