Presenting The Metal Alliance Tour 2016 Featuring Dying Fetus

Hey so let’s start this Monday off right shall we and get to a super cool Metal touring announcement. I’m speaking none other than the mighty Metal Alliance Tour that brings together some truly awesome acts and leaves the fans physically and mentally spent. Check out the press release, poster and dates and then I’ll return with some additional thoughts.

Tour - Metal Alliance - 2016

The Press Release:
Dying Fetus to Headline The 6th Annual Metal Alliance Tour . High River Sauces is proud to present the 6th Annual The Metal Alliance Tour. Each year this touring festival assembles a package that celebrates the various genres of Metal. It is with great honor to celebrate this 6 year hallmark than to announce DYING FETUS, one the pioneers of the death metal as the official Metal Alliance Tour 2016 headliner.

The tour will be rounded out by THE ACACIA STRAIN, JUNGLE ROT, BLACK CROWN INITIATE and rotating openers REAPING ASMEDEIA and NYLITHIA. The Metal Alliance Tour will make the trek across United States and Canada starting on the east coast in April and run through May.

Official Dates:
4/29/2016: Baltimore, MD @ Soundstage
4/30/2016: Lowell, MA @ Mill City Ballroom
5/2/2016: Cleveland, OH @ Agora Ballroom
5/3/2016: Chicago, IL @ Reggie’s
5/4/2016: Minneapolis, MN @ Cabooze
5/5/2016: Winnipeg, MB @ Park Theater
5/6/2016: Saskatoon, SK @ Obriens
5/8/2016: Edmonton, AB @ Shredmonton Festival
5/10/2016: Seattle, WA @ Studio Seven
5/11/2016: Portland, OR @ Hawthorne Theater
5/12/2016: Petaluma, CA @ Pheonix Theater
5/13/2016: Pomona, CA @ Glasshouse
5/14/2016: Hollywood, CA @ Whisky
5/15/2016: Phoenix, AZ @ Joe’s Grotto
5/17/2016: Denver, CO @ Marquis Theater
5/18/2016: Kansas City, MO @ Riot Room
5/20/2016: Ft Worth, TX @ Rail Club
5/21/2016: Austin, TX @ Dirty Dog
5/23/2016: New Orleans, LA @ Southport Hall
5/25/2016: Tampa, FL @ Orpheum
5/26/2016: Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade
5/27/2016: Knoxville, TN @ The International
5/28/2016: Dayton, OH @ Oddbody’s
5/29/2016: Greensboro, NC @ Arizona Pete’s

*** end of transmission ***

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ll start by saying that I am glad to find this tour returning because after the well-documented mishaps with last year’s event, many felt that it might not be able to recover and return. This is welcome news for sure since we have already lost the Rockstar Mayhem Fest and this side of the pond needs more Metal festivals as opposed to less. I think Dying Fetus is a great choice of a headliner based on all the aggressive Metal that they have been dishing out for so many years and while I am not the biggest study on Acacia Strain, I have seen them a few times over the years and am always impressed on their live delivery. To me Jungle Rot was one of the highlights of the late Rockstar festival and Black Crown Initiate have proven their worth time and time again which is great to see in such a new band. Well, they aren’t that new at this point. I can’t speak much to Reaping Asmedeia or Nylithia but I am sure that they are worth catching. Now I don’t see any NYC dates listed yet but am sure that some of those are coming soon because I cannot imagine this event bypassing our vicinity and all its ravenous fans. What do you readers think of this festival? Will you attend or will you take a pass? Let me know in the comments section below.

Official Websites:
Metal Alliance Tour:
High River Sauces:
Dying Fetus:
Acacia Strain:
Jungle Rot:
Black Crown Initiate:
Reaping Asmedeia:

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