It’s Independence Day here in the USA and I wasn’t really planning on doing much in the way of website posting since this is a good day to reflect on our nation and the freedoms that we have. It’s also a great day to spend with the loved ones be they closer or distant family and friends. However when a valued press resource shared the existence of a new live video from the Dead Daisies that fell right in line with the day I knew that bringing it to your attention was paramount. I’ll start with the bands statement on the clip and then follow said video with some closing thoughts.
“We first did “American Band” by Grand Funk Railroad for our troops in South Korea. We wanted to bring a little bit of something “American” to our men and women in uniform, and give them a taste of home. So, what better way than a classic American tune by a legendary American band. The song went over so well we decided to keep playing it and subsequently recorded it for our “Live and Louder” album. Enjoy the Daisies version, the video, and your FREEDOM the troops are fighting for on this celebration of our independence as a young, sovereign nation!!!”
PiercingMetal Thoughts: Since this is a live video presentation of the song I can knock this out with an easily proclaimed “this is KICK A$$” as that it what it is. This is a classic tune among classic tunes and no matter when I hear it the track always finds me rocking. I expected a band like Dead Daisies to knock this one out of the park since that is the level of powerhouse talent that’s been assembled in their ranks. Corabi has Doug Aldrich, Marco Mendoza, Brian Tichy and David Lowy and having seen the band on a couple of occasions can highly recommend them. They did this track justice and while I always prefer the original version, I have not liked a cover of this song as much since hearing the Metal version done by Americade so very long ago. Nice work guys, keep it up. The band has recently released a live album called “Live and Louder” which I still need to get my hands on and review for you so hang tight for that. A link has been added to this review of the video for you to order a copy. Now, let’s get ready for the Fourth Of July Fireworks in the most bombastic fashion as a Hard Rocker can.
Official Website: