toy fair, toy fair 2014,

PiercingMetal Goes To Toy Fair 2014: First Time Vendors and NECA Toys

Now that I have presented both the Opening Ceremony and the winners of the “Toy Of The Year Awards” along with the Press Conference by Alicia Keys, the time has come to get to exploring the larger event with camera and pen (err Smartphone) in hand. I might have mentioned this in one of my older coverage overviews, but the way that they set up Toy Fair is that the section almost adjacent to the Press space are the newer vendors to the show. It’s great in my humble opinion and of course a bit of a mixed bag to observe and document, but I like to get the overview started with this region. First up are the folks from Super Sprowtz, and this is a nutrition based program for kids with superheroes that are actually vegetables. It’s got some charm and hopefully it gets the young ones to eat their greens.

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014

Some stuff from PE Foam Profiles, these are great for the backyard and those summer activities with the young ones in your lives. Bands, you guys can likely find some use in this stuff as well for stage props.

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Now this is interesting, one of the quirkiest of the first time exhibitors came via “Slapstache” and this smiling lass was doing her best to slap a moustache on your interest level. Very cute and it did make me chuckle since the ironic moustache is in nowadays. I should have taken a photograph with one of the staches but I didn’t think of it until I got to editing these images. Sorry. Love the stache balloons too 🙂

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014

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I thought this little character was cute, and its name is Doraemon. This is a Japanese Manga series about a robotic cat (I looked it up for you) and its super charming. I know a lot of people into the Anime stuff and this is right up their alley. Perhaps this exhibit at Toy Fair will find the technical feline coming over to this side of the ocean. One can hope.

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toy fair, toy fair 2014

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Here’s a few more images from the new presenters area that I snapped. I’ll try to give another look as the convention progresses provided I get done with my agenda items.

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toy fair, toy fair 2014

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As Pete and I headed into the main expo room of the Javits we ran into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They kindly paused from their patrol to let e snag a photograph.

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neca logo, neca, toy company logos

The first stop we made would be the NECA booth because they have a lot of great stuff that is right in our readers wheelhouse based on the films and super hero properties they have. As we walked into the booth we noticed these little characters climbing up and down strings. They are called “Scalers” and you can check them out in these next photos.

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toy fair, toy fair 2014

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toy fair, toy fair 2014These next images are of NECA’s “Headknockers”, fantastic looking statues of numerous entertainment properties to collect and enjoy.  Below we start with Marvel’s The Avengers.

toy fair, toy fair 2014Which of these horror themed characters is your favorite?  I see at least three of mine right off the bat.

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toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014Fans of puppeteer Jeff Dunham can practice their craft with these clever hand puppets.  Below we see Peanut and Achmed the Dead Terrorist.

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014These comic themed lamps are perfect for your man cave or even rehearsal space if you have one of those.  I wish that these were out when I commandeered my family’s basement with musical instruments.

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014Some DC Comics greats below with the classic Adam West Batman from the sixties and the more recent “Man Of Steel” film.

toy fair, toy fair 2014I grew up with the two wonderful films of “ET” and “Gremlins” and find that these properties are timeless in terms of audience interest.  Check out some of NECA’s offerings for those fans.

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toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014Fans of “The Simpsons” will likely enjoy these favorite guest star figurines.  I loved the James Brown one and only hope we get future editions featuring The Ramones or Metallica.  Those would be fun to own.

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014NECA offers a LOT of different worlds of entertainment with their HeroClix line.  Take a look in these next few shots.

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toy fair, toy fair 2014They even have stuff for the upcoming Marvel Studios films “Captain America The Winter Soldier” and “Guardians Of The Galaxy”.  I cannot wait to see those films but now back to the topic at hand.

toy fair, toy fair 2014A lot of my friends were diehards for the Legion Of Super-Heroes and this superb line of characters should be of interest to them.

toy fair, toy fair 2014If there is one thing that will bring Metal heads into the world of HeroClix its Eddie from Iron Maiden.  Yes I want these.

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014A classic Robocop.

toy fair, toy fair 2014Why so serious?

toy fair, toy fair 2014At Toy Fair we often see the unfinished product prototype or something that is still awaiting approval.  I was allowed to shoot images of some of these but not others.

toy fair, toy fair 2014A classic Iron Maiden Eddie from his “Killers” years.

toy fair, toy fair 2014NECA’s Iggy Pop

toy fair, toy fair 2014OMG this Iron Maiden Eddie “Powerslave” Mask!!!!  Want to wear this at Metal shows?  Then watch NECA’s website for when this is available for you to snag one.  It comes just in time for that particular albums own thirtieth anniversary.  Can you believe it?  I know that I can.  Nice work guys.

toy fair, toy fair 2014A great figures and playset diorama for the upcoming “Planet Of The Apes” film.

toy fair, toy fair 2014I have to say that I loved “Pacific Rim” and saw it several times once I got myself a copy of the Blu-ray disc.  That said, take a look at the still awesome figures that NECA released for the film.  There are Kaiju and Jaegers to choose from and you know that you want both.

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014

toy fair, toy fair 2014Okay so we have arrived at the end of this chapter.  I hope you liked it because I am not done yet and will even be continuing along with the rest of the NECA finds in the next installment.  You’ve read these posts before so you know how we roll here on PiercingMetal and that its broken down into numerous chapters for easiest mental digestion.  That said, please do click on the websites below until I return with the next installment for you to enjoy. This is especially important with this chapter since many of the featured folks are those first time exhibitors and I am sure that they appreciate the Net Love that you are putting out there.

Official Websites:
Toy Fair:
Super Sprowtz:

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