Just the other day, the Brooklyn Bowl once again played host to the Brooklyn Autumn Guitar Show and I made some time to take a look around and see what was happening for those of you who might not have been able to attend. Let’s get down to the adventure shall we…..

Here’s a great one of Rob and John

D.J. Uncle Mike was excited to have John “The Cat” at the show today. He has been a fan of The Good Rats for decades I heard him saying.

Here’s the guys from Mountain Cat Guitars. Great stuff at their table

Here is a very famous NYC guitar staple. The one and only Richie Baxt of Richie’s Guitar Shop

Of course DR Strings were on hand

I had to laugh when Matt and his colleagues came in with their very Metal shirts. My friend turned to me and said “some of yours?”……indeed they were LOL

The folks at GBase have an interesting service. It’s like an online shop for hundreds of vendors in one place. There was not much to show you here but the link at the end of this narrative will guide you to more.

Two lovely ladies and fans of the six string weapon of music

DR Strings

You’ve already seen the Burn Method design stuff but did you know that its owners also make a hot sauce? No? Well now you do. They had some to sample and purchase. I really liked it, as it had a nice bite. I love hot sauce.

Here is a closer view of the bottles.

Here are some miscellaneous show attendee shots….good people at every turn

Here’s Kirk and Rob, I guess Kirk wanted to do a commercial spot for those strings in this one 🙂

Now it was time for the cleanup to begin as this seasons Brooklyn Autumn Guitar Show was officially at its end.

There would be a concert here later this evening but I was heading home now.

Here we find the whole crew of event organizer, musicians and press. Yep, from left to right is Lisa Sharken, Larry Corban, Ken Pierce (that’s me by the way) Skeleton Pete Parrella and Joe Kaufman. We all had an awesome day and I had to close it out in dramatic fashion.

So that brings us to the end of another fun adventure at The Brooklyn Bowl for the Brooklyn Autumn Guitar Show. As expected it was a positive day of good people, good fun, food and hundreds and hundreds of awesome guitars. I have to admit that even though I am a drummer, this is a great way to spend the day. For more information on the companies that you saw in this posting, you can click the link for their respective company and do a little more digging. Hopefully the show continues at this space and that we will be able to attend the next time around. Now back to the regularly scheduled Metal broadcasting.
Official Links:
Brooklyn Guitar Show: https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynGuitarShow
Burn Method Guitars: http://www.burnmethod.com/
DR Strings: http://www.drstrings.com/
Fuchs Amplifiers: http://www.fuchsaudiotechnology.com/
Strumming Monkey: http://www.thestrummingmonkey.com/
LaBella Strings: http://www.labella.com/
GBase: http://www.gbase.com/
Champtone Custom Guitars: http://champtone.com/guitars.html
Southside Guitars: http://southsideguitars.com/
Vigier Guitars: http://www.vigierguitars.com/
Mountain Cat Guitars: http://www.mountaincatguitars.com/
Lazy B. Cigar Box Guitars: http://lazybcigarguitars.com/
Rob Balducci: http://www.robbalducci.com/
John “The Cat” Gatto (Good Rats): http://www.goodrats.com/
Adam Bomb: http://www.adambomb.com/
JKaufman Guitars: http://jkaufmanguitars.com/