Welcome back my friends to the posts that never seemed to end about the 2014 edition of NY Comic Con. You have safely arrived at the second chapter of our Day Four coverage and I am afraid that this is our very last from the adventures. I’ll admit that I am slightly slagged today after three days at Con already along with three Metal concerts on top of them but here I am just the same looking to bring you some visuals that I hope spark your interest. Let’s get on down to it with this Cosplay of a character I didn’t know offhand and thought was The Scourge from Marvel Comics. It was not.
If you’re feeling a slight chill then its very likely Elsa from Frozen’s fault.
I guess this is a Spider-Man Ghost Rider cosplay of some kind? Weird but also cool.
The popularity of Disney’s “Frozen” is staggering. Here are two more cosplayers doing their best renditions from the film.
I had been asked by my friend in music journalism John Wilcox to drop by a panel that he was sitting in on about the late Stan Goldberg. Since I had some free time as the day drew to a close I gladly zipped over to it to snap some photos. There are a ton of panels at the NYCC event and not every single one of them is packed out into the halls but still on the interesting side.,
There was still another panel finishing up as I walked in. That’s Jimmy Palmiotti on the far right BTW.
The panel was to reflect upon the memory of Stan Goldberg who was an artist most commonly associated with Archie Comics and who was a colorist for Marvel Comics on numerous titles as well.
I didn’t recall the moderator’s name by the time I had sat down to pen this part of the narrative and I apologize.
Present for the panel discussion was Stephen Goldberg (the artists son), Barbara Slate (known artist for “Angel Love” and much more), John Wilcox (a colorist), Danny Fingeroth (writer end editor) and Jim Salicrup (writer and editor).
They were joined by artist Al Milgrom as the discussion went on. It was very interesting stuff to hear them reflect upon the history of Mr. Goldberg.
They pointed out writer and editor Tom DeFalco who was sitting behind me so I snapped a photo as well.
As I wrapped up my day I saw my friend Steve Bunche once more and said goodbye’s. This year’s NY Comic Con was pretty much on the books for me at this point.
Actors take your bows, queue for end credits and music, roll it. Yeah so that is it my friends, we have finished the explorations entirely and when it all came down to it there were about 600 photos to enjoy. Not too shabby. I only hope that it inspired those of you who have never attended Comic Con to give it a shot when it comes around the next time. Its a lot of fun but surely daunting as well since there are tons of people at every turn on every single day. Now I would be heading to a pub for a long deserved pint or three of ale and then off to my final Metal show for this course of four days. Tomorrow I predict lots and lots of sleep – and then some pizza before more sleep. See you again with other reports and until we meet again do kindly click on some of the provided websites below to show them some love and don’t forget to lend the always welcome support to the Official Facebook and Official Instagram accounts for PiercingMetal.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con: http://www.nycomiccon.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Al Milgrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Milgrom
Barbara Slate: http://barbaraslate.com/
Cara Nicole: https://www.facebook.com/AZPowergirl/
Danny Fingeroth: http://dannyfingeroth.com/
Erica Henderson: http://ericafailsatlife.tumblr.com/
Freddie Williams: http://www.freddieart.com/
Jim Salicrup: https://twitter.com/jimsalicrup
Marcy Lee Cosplayer: https://marcyleecosplay.wordpress.com/