Well hello again, its nice to see you back here. There is a lot to absorb here from the Day Three things at NY Comic Con so I am just going to get started with some additional adventures from my wanderings in Artist Alley. Here’s Mr. Paul Mounts, colorist supreme. At times I will note the artist if their name is not displayed but most of the cosplayers I will not since you know these outfits by now I am sure. Time to zoom zoom zoom.
This was a spot on cosplay of Lobo the Main Man. I wonder if we will ever see him on a television show or big screen film. That could be fun ride right?
We saw our friend Marcy Lee once more and her she is as Loki the Goddess of Mischief. This was a fantastic job of cosplay and she made the whole thing I was told. Evil never looked so stylish.
No you haven’t gone back in time to the classic “Batman” television show but this cosplayer is also an actor who successfully brings this era of Batman to life. We met him before at a Mezco Toyz event that you can explore HERE if you have a moment.
Here’s a couple of comic book legends for sure.
That’s not actually James but Renee Witterstaetter who was standing near his sign.
Here’s James. He created this little character called “The Crow” which I think some of you might know about. I wonder when they will remake that movie since everything seems to be remade nowadays.
This Star Wars inspired Sithstress was on point in a creation of her own design. I loved it.
Here is Baroness Zemo offering up some villainy in Artist Alley today. We actually spoke for a few moments and it was nice. She was pretty cool. I wonder if we are going to get Zemo in any of these Marvel films one day in the future.
And on that same though, I wonder if Adam Warlock is going to make an appearance. He was such an interesting cosmic figure and VERY popular so that would be awesome.
This is Chastity and she is a vampire from Chaos Comics.
Whew. That was fun but don’t worry I will have some more for you to examine from Day Three so just stay tuned and click some links to explore. While you wait you should hit our Official Facebook and Official Instagram to see some more since side images and notes are on those socials. It’s also productive to click through on some of the links below and learn more about the talented people that were discussed in this installment. See you tomorrow.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con: http://ww.nycomiccon.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Ashley Riot: http://queenriot.storenvy.com/
Bob McLeod: http://www.bobmcleod.com/
Cara Nicole: https://www.facebook.com/AZPowergirl/
Chris Claremont: http://chrisclaremont.com/
Danielle Otrakji: http://www.danielleotrakji.com/
David Stoupakis: http://www.davidstoupakis.com/
James O’Barr: http://jamesobarr.typepad.com/
Leanna Vamp: http://www.leeannavamp.com/
Marcy Lee Cosplayer: https://marcyleecosplay.wordpress.com/
Michael Golden: https://www.facebook.com/Michael-Golden-44937601170/
Nei Ruffino: https://www.facebook.com/NeiRuffinoArtist/
Paul Mounts: http://www.paulmounts.com/
Peter Kuper: http://www.peterkuper.com/
Sabine Rich: https://www.facebook.com/sabine.rich.artist/