It’s that time again my fiends and I’m speaking about the continued comprehensive wanderings of the 2013 NY Comic Con where I am now up to Chapter Four of the Day Three offerings. Thanks to all of you for making it this far and still being with us on our little tour. Considering so many Cosplayers I encountered, I love keeping the images to about “50” so they all find themselves and enjoy the media spotlight. That’s so hard to do when there are hundreds and hundreds of images in each post. This particular chapter finds a LOT of cosplayers so my notes will be on the light side as I let the photos do the talking. Let’s go.
That’s John Cafiero of Misfits Records and Osaka Popstar doing some signings for fans at their booth at NYCC. None of the freebies cost fans any money. How awesome is that.
This is Justice Woman. She is the star of a comedy/drama series of the same name that can be found online. Yes a link will be way down at the end of this chapter for you to indulge in. Please be patient.
This is author Tiffany Dang and her creation Justice Angel. A superhero of Asian descent who came to be to stop violence in her community.
This is Agent Phil Coulson’s car Lola from the Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. show. Beautiful car and it flies BTW. Well, on the show it does.
Wow another Sharknado Cosplay. I was amazed at seeing one but now two. Cool beans.
Batman is looking for some back issues as he let his subscription lapse or just didn’t see the deliveries to the Batcave.
This lovely lass says “Buy Valiant Comics Now!!!” So you best listen to her.
I just had to drop by the Evil Ink Comics booth since I knew Coheed and Cambria’s Claudio Sanchez was going to be there. Here are some photos from that quick visit.
That’s a righteous Gene Simmons cosplay from the “Love Gun” era.
We even saw Mr. Jay Scorpion of Bullspike Radio sporting some cosplay of “The Crow”. A link to his online Metal radio show is below.
Have you had enough or do you want some more? Its a rhetorical question because more is coming tomorrow as I continue to present the findings from Day Three of NY Comic Con 2013. I’ve actually made the halfway point for this particular day which is good so stay tuned to that same PiercingMetal Channel for the next exciting chapter. Don’t forget that you can find us on our social networks as well for more discussion and images so please lend some love to the Official Facebook and Official Instagram so we know you are out there. You can also click on the websites of the individuals showcased in this chapter because I know they’d love to hear from you too. See you tomorrow with Chapter Five. I’m getting close to finishing this days fun.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con:
Aspen Comics:
Bullspike Radio:
Coheed and Cambria:
Evil Ink Comics:
Justice Angel:
Justice Woman:
Misfits Records:
Valiant Comics: