“6, 6, 6….the number of the piece” – Well, alright, its more the number of the chapter but I like to get creative here especially since there are so many wonderful sights to share with you fine readers. As I’ve said already in the previous five installments, these visuals and commentary hail from the 2013 NY Comic Con were I was wandering among the fans as a fan as well and it was surely a different albeit interesting experience. Here we go with my sixth installment of images and views from the Second Day of NY Comic Con. Let’s suit up 🙂
First up the Capcom Pavilion – Makers of great video games which you can see some fans playing in this photo from afar.
This young lady absolutely rocked a Green Lantern Cosplay.
This show found me near Boom! Entertainment among other things and as you can see the crowds were already building. It was only going to get more insane.
I had never heard of Herobear before but loved the look of these plushies for him and added him to the coverage. Cute isn’t it?
Great poster of a number of Boom! Studios offerings.
Hey its the company that publishes all the Judge Dredd stuff. 2000 AD publishing. We met them at BEA earlier this year and think that if you are a fan of that which is Dredd you want to get your hands on these collected editions.
Friendly Cosplayers.
Another of the many Harley Quinns that I would encounter at this years Con.
I never knew that Spider-Man knew Bucky but I guess at Comic Con anything is possible.
This charming lass was showcasing some awesome dragons that were very animated and being secretly controlled by her. Sadly I misplaced the card after our meeting so if you know the company’s name please private message me and I will append this region.
For those that think Mario himself is a horror just wait until you get a load of this….
Now what would a Comic Con be without an expansive event program. Here is this years book.
Oh hey here is the booth for Z-Girl and the Four Tigers. We met Z-Girl herself and another soldier back at the 2011 Con. You can see them in this POST. Today we didn’t actually notice a Z-Girl around and I don’t think the creative team hired one on for the Con. It happens. This event is expensive even before you add actors to the mix.
Here’s the dudes at Devil’s Due Entertainment. I love that design in the center but didn’t see any buttons with it displayed. Maybe next time around.
Here is the Blue Movie band booth. I’ve met a couple of their members at previous Cons and found the music to be pretty good. I think the Con needs to set up a full on music section so those that wish to brave this convention are easier to find.
Ahhh one of the many Loki’s and this one is familiar to me from Concerts in the realm.
Always great to see the lovely Marissa Jade at the Con.
The Expo is run by the Reed Pop Organization and it seems as though this year they had a booth of their own selling merchandise and other items of schwagerie.
Here’s the wild and crazy folks at the High Fructose Zombies booth. Yes there will be a link for you to learn more about them at the end as well so please stand by.
After seeing my friend Steve Seabury’s Metal Cookbook “Mosh Potatoes” that focused on Heavy Metal recipes, I just had to wonder what a Comic Book themed book would be like. Pardon the plug for a friend’s tome.
These charming ladies were helping showcase the Gamechanger stuff. The company actually made apps for bands like Miss May I and that is pretty cool. I might need to reach out to them when I determine that PiercingMetal needs its own app.
We’ve seen Virgil, the sidekick to wrestler Ted DiBiase “The Million Dollar Man”
Looks like I am getting a case of deja vu here because I swear these cats and I have met before.
I was correct so we caught up for a moment and then it was back to the aisles where I ran into the Justice Angel. She is a mysterious bringer of justice from China with a story of revenge. She might walk quiet at the Con but she surely appeared to carry a big stick.
Hey the Bad Robot!!!
This friendly face was dishing out some energy drink stuff. I’ll admit that I am not the biggest fan of this kind of energy resource but I have friends that swear by it. To each there own of course so here is “eBoost”
I really had no idea what this was walking right at me and I admit that it kind of spooked me. This was just too damned “off” for me. What do you think?
Oh thank the Realm Eternal of Asgard for lovelies like The Black Cat in the Marvel Universe. Didn’t she do a great job folks?
Since I have many friends that work in the theatre I like to try to shine a little light on things like this for you fine readers to examine further after we’ve done.
What a sweetheart is Miss Destiny Blue. I enjoyed meeting her at last year’s Con and she remembered me as well. That is always a good thing.
Do you readers remember when at last years Con I met a group of charming brides showcasing some designs? You don’t? Oh well, to refresh this is one of the brides and we did a mock posed photo where I proposed to her. Very sweet girl and was awesome to see her again at the Con. She is Wonder Womaning it out for sure today,
This massive inflatable monster reminded me of Lord Pumpkin. He was a baddie in the long gone Ultraverse Universe. I loved his menace and miss that line of books.
Now let’s head over to our friends at the Vampire Freaks booth. They always have lots of cool stuff and beautiful women.
Ever see a Sexy Stormtrooper? Well if you said no, here you go 🙂
Once again I close up by saying there are a few more chapters to present to you. Thanks for being so interested and not being mad at my parsing them over to 50 images each. I just want the people and brands being showcased to get the maximum attention and this is the easiest way. Be sure to click over to the Official PiercingMetal Facebook Page and Official Instagram profile and give those accounts some likes to enjoy some additional images and notations about the event. We’d love to have you along for the ride. Until I return with another installment, please click the official websites below to see more about that which was discussed with this go round. Thanks for reading 🙂
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con: http://www,nycomiccon.com
2000 AD Press: http://www.2000adonline.com/
Blue Movie: http://bluemoviemusic.com/bios/
Boom! Studios: http://www.boom-studios.com/
Cooking Comically: http://www.cookingcomically.com/
Destiny Blue: http://destinyblue.deviantart.com/
Devil’s Due Entertainment: http://www.devilsdue.net/
eBoost: http://eboost.com/
Herobear: https://www.facebook.com/OFFICIALHerobearAndTheKid
High Fructose Zombies: http://highfructosezombies.com/
Justice Angel: http://justiceangel.co/
Marissa Jade: http://marissajade.com/
Palette Suicide: https://www.facebook.com/palettesuicide
Porphyria Suicide: https://www.facebook.com/PorphyriaSuicide
Sgt. Slaughter: http://www.sgtslaughter.com/
Vampire Cowboys Theatre Company: http://www.vampirecowboys.com/
VampireFreaks: http://www.vampirefreaks.com
Z-Girl: http://www.zgirl.org/