Welcome back my fine comic book loving friends. Continuing on with our several chapters to go infiltration of the 2012 NY Comic Con, I pick up where chapter one left off with the next fifty images of the observations from the first day. Today’s part of the Con actually only started at 3pm and would run until 9pm which is the latest ever that I have found this event running. As previously mentioned this was Press, Professionals and 4 Day Pass Holders Day.
First up is the booth being maintained by Valiant Comics. Remember that group of titles? Shadowman, X-O Manowar, Archer & Armstrong, Magnus Robot Fighter and many more. I enjoyed a lot of those titles for their rich storytelling and am glad to see them on the return. I think I will dig out my old trade paperbacks when I am finally home from the convention and relaxing. I really enjoyed many of their titles back when they first made appearance among the mass amount of Marvel and DC Comics offerings.

This next group of Cosplayers impressed me greatly since it was “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and Zombie Hunter” all in one sitting. No one broke character at all. Kudos.

This girl was truly a vamp and I mean this in the truest sense of the word – watch your neck!! If you get my drift.

Our distinguished President Abraham Lincoln…..vampire slayer and zombie hunter on the side. Watch out Buffy.

You might remember Ashley Eckstein, she does a number of cool things. She is a voice on an animated “Star Wars” series and runs a line of clothing for young ladies called “Her Universe”. For the Con, Ashley was representing “MTV Geek!”.

Here we find Ashley being interviewed as the tables get turned on her by someone holding a marionette. Sadly I was not able to get the character’s name to inform you of it.

You had to love Ashley’s Police Call Box costume. It looked great. Next up is the booth for “Punch Brand” a clever line of clothing that makes animal and creature themed hoodies among other things. Here we find the company’s founder Glynis Tao with her creations. By the way, they call them “crazyheads” and not hoodies which allows them to stand out a little more.

When Ms. Tao learned of my being a Droid phone user, she proudly showed off their official Droid crazyhead. Cool stuff.

This is the booth being run by Odd Truth Inc. and their comic is called “Torchbearer”. Pictured below are Nick Dedual and Chantal Galvez along with a friend.

Here’s a close up of the “Torchbearer” comics and art that was displayed for fans.

Gothic Antics at the Vampirefreaks Booth…the vixen is the one and only Porphyria and she is super awesome.

This lovely lass was helping to promote a new super hero who was actually an ancient Pteradon of some kind. His name was “Pterror” and he comes up in a photo next.

These folks were very nice, a female Carnage cosplay and a Han Solo complete with authentic Kenner Millennium Falcon. I still have mine somewhere so thought that was very cool.

What a fantastic mannequin. I know. That was horrible. Sorry. I will admit that I first thought it was someone standing there. That surprised me since it was too early in the event for convention burnout…..
These young lovelies were wandering the Con and showing off the alternative Wedding dresses of “Little Petal”; The company is run by Danielle Ward who is the third from the left in the photo below.

As I was entranced by these visions in white, I could do no less than offer a proposal to one of them 🙂 That is the lovely Kelsy by the way….

Don’t worry my dear female readers, I am still on the market and the shot above was mere publicity stunt stuff. Onward I traveled a and met up with a couple of Kenobi’s in this father and son team cosplay. Obi-Wan and Obi-Two I called them. The father laughed but the youth was hardly amused. I liked that.

This Victorian Goth couple were selling numerous things and showing off an antique tea pot. It had apparently belonged to a long passed relative so I hope it makes it out of the convention unscathed.
Nearby was an amazing find. A photo collection of the classic 1960’s Batman series with signatures from many of the original cast. With so few of these actors being alive today this was sure to command a hefty price. Had I the room or the funds I would have made an offer but alas I did not. Sigh.

Here is the lovely Miss Casey Kaki of Adore Le Gore.

She had some truly cool stuff available for sale and all of it was made by hand.

The two lovely silver alien girls were helping out at a booth that was serving a dual purpose. Part of their tasks were to help pitch the BIO-Sapien comic book and also the Action Burger Restaurant, which was a comic book restaurant. As a lover of burgers I will have to investigate this place some time in the future.

Another pitch for the BIO-Sapien comic book.

Now this “Run For Your Lives” was an interesting idea. It plays along with “The Walking Dead” premise and combines it with a 5K run. Here is their press person the charming Miss Abby Tang as she showcases off the idea.

This shirt was too funny. It’s also true.

A cool sticker for “Run For Your Lives”

Watch Out Abby!!!! Jeepers we were too late. Good luck young miss….

There was a wine company at the Comic Con and this is called “Abduction”. Sadly there were no samples to be had. I did like their alien though. Clearly this is for those who seek an out of this world vintage 🙂 I wonder if they will make little alien mascots…..

For some reason I feel slightly feverish….uh oh, her jacket says “Dexter”; never mind. That is Miss Jenny Lorenzo.

She was a part of the Aggressive Comix Team today. Nice group of folks, doing some fun stuff.

Hey here’s artist Josh Adams……

And his super famous Dad, the great Neal Adams. I always enjoy seeing him at the convention. I try to let him work and do my snap fast since Neal often has a line of fans and does critique of the portfolios.

I loved, loved, loved these two costumes. What great work they put into them….
For those who feel KISS is on everything, I present to you KISS “Hello Kittie”. Say what you will, but I actually think these are cute. If they make any miniatures, I am adding them to the KISS collection.

Hey so you made it to the end of this little segment. Fantastic. I still have a few more photos from the Day One adventures to share with you before delving into Day Two so please stay tuned. Remember to click the links for some of the interesting people that we presented in this chapter so you can learn more about them. I’ve pretty much dug up a website or Facebook page for everyone we paid some attention to in this chapter and speaking of Facebook come on over and find ours as well by clicking THIS LINK.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con = www.nycomiccon.com
Abduction Wine: http://www.abductionwine.com/
Adore Le Gore: http://adorelegore.com/
Aggressive Comix: https://www.facebook.com/AggressiveComix
Curicon: https://curicon.com
Her Universe: http://www.heruniverse.com/
Jenny Lorenzo: http://www.jennylorenzo.com/
Josh Adams: http://www.whatwouldjoshdo.com/main/
Little Petal: http://littlepetal.net/
Neal Adams: http://www.nealadams.com/
Punch Brand: http://www.punchbrand.com/
Run For Your Lives: http://www.runforyourlives.com/
Valiant Comics: http://valiantuniverse.com/
Vampire Freaks: http://www.vampirefreaks.com
We Love Fine: http://www.welovefine.com