PiercingMetal Goes To New York Comic Con 2011: Day 3; Part 3

Hello again my Comic Book legions and welcome back to the in-depth coverage of the 2011 NY Comic Con that we have been delivering to you on the official blog for PiercingMetal.com; The adventures at this year’s Con seem to have been the biggest in our personal experience and that brings me to the next chapter and the wonderful images and people that we encountered. That being said, let’s get back to work on the travels as we first encounter a cool couple of DC Comics cosplayers with Power Girl and Plastic Man. This was the second of each character that I remembered seeing as I wandered the massive halls.

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Power Girl Cosplay & Plastic Man Cosplay

Here is Ron Marz and Keu Cha. Each of these creative comic book forces are holding their latest wares. Marz shows off “Shinku” while Cha presents “Magdalena” for the readers. Good luck with these titles guys. Each of them comes care of Image Comics in case you wondered.

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Ron Marz and Keu Cha

Here is a fantastic Taskmaster Cosplay; I always enjoyed the problems that this Avengers villain caused. He would have been awesome to find in the upcoming movie next year but perhaps in a sequel if we are lucky.

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The Taskmaster Cosplay

Here’s the banner that leads the Convention goers to the Anime Festival. Last year the Anime Festival was held in the downstairs part of the Javits and some fans felt that they were exiled to the basement. I had to say that I disagreed since the groups get put where the amount of tables fit best. This time they would be up in the heights on the second level. So now they were up in the sky so to speak.

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Entrance To The Anime Festival

Here is another one of the artists in the Anime Festival alleys. I believe her name was Sasha. Nice girl and nice art. Of course no sign to broadcast. Perhaps I will start giving self-promotion lessons to these talented folks.

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Miss Sasha and her Artwork

Here is a view of the massive meeting hall section where the panels for Anime Festival were happening.

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The Dramatic View of the Anime Festival Fans

Some of this reminded me of The Death Star based on the layout with the pipes and beams. Of course I have never really been on the Death Star since it doesn’t really exist right?

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The Anime Festival Goers

You have to admit I might have something here though right?

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Welcome To The Engine Room 🙂

Here is Brandon Seifert and his comic “Witch Doctor” back at the Image Comics booth. This comic sounded interesting.

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Brandon Seifert & Witch Doctor

I have heard of Cosplay but this was more like Cosplaying around (snare drum please). Clearly Poison Ivy had ensnared Robin.

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Poison Ivy Cosplay & Robin Cosplay Get Acquainted

Of course everyone decided to get in on the fun now.

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Poison Ivy Cosplay & Unknown

Here was an interesting Cosplay, this is Dex-Starr of the Red Lantern Corps.

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Dex Starr of Red Lantern Corps Cosplay

This charming lass was one of the volunteers that we met during the Convention and it turns out she is an actress from Australia and a model as well. It was a pleasure to meet her this weekend I will have to look up some of her work soon.

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The Girl From Oz; Miss Bec Fordyce

I was not sure who this young lady was supposed to be but she was friendly and hence featured

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The Unknown Cosplay

From up in the location of the Anime Festival you could snare a look at the convention as it went on down below. That’s a lot of people and soon I would be back down there among them all. Eek.

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The Masses Converge

I know that I took a photo of Optimus before but this time there was not anyone around him so I wanted more of a solo shot this time around.

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Optimus Prime

Next up a fantastic Catwoman Cosplay

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The Catwoman Cosplay

Some of the Image Comics booth people and each of them sporting a super “The Walking Dead” shirt.

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Image Comics Booth

Clearly the Dark Side of the Force was with them.

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Pupils of Lord Darth Vader? Perhaps.

Here is a great group of Cosplay X-Men

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X-Men Cosplay

Here is Rick Spears and Chuck BB who are the creative team behind “Black Metal”; that’s a comic book about the Black Metal scene and teenage angst. Sounds like fun? You bet it is.

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Rick Spears and Chuck BB's "Black Metal"

“Black Metal”; Now its more than just music – It’s a comic book

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Black Metal: The Comic Book

Behold the Green Lantern Gumby!!!

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The Gumby Green Lantern Cosplay

Here is another bit of newness from the Oni Press dudes, its “Sketch Monsters” by Joshua Williamson and Vicente Navarette.

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"Sketch Monsters" by Oni Press

This lovely lady was helping to draw attention to the Boxhead Studio booth.

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Repping Boxhead Studio

Now here is the whole team – Friendly folks for sure. Good luck guys

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Boxhead Studios

Sadly I don’t recall who this next lass is…..she was super nice to convention goers though.

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Unknown Actress

Here is the Susan Heidi booth

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Susan Heidi and her Assistant

and here is some of her awesome artwork. As you can see she is focused on the Rockabilly pin-up style

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Susan Heidi Artwork

Two lovely cosplayers. Characters unknown but they were nice so we included them. The one on the left said she was a singer, actress, model…..the whole nine. Good to have a number of things to do.

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Pretty Cosplayers

“Breathing Space” Book by Ian Fydell, he was who the two ladies were speaking to.

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Ian Fydell and "Breathing Space"

“Zoo Tales” was a fun booth to see as they had little characters at their table as well which fans could purchase.

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"Zoo Tales" Booth

Here are the three characters, an elephant, a pig and a koala bear. The elephant farts. Cute eh?

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"Zoo Tales" Characters

A great Batgirl Cosplay. I didn’t mind the absence of the mask for the shot since this lass was super stylish.

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Batgirl Cosplay

Oh yeah the rumors of Macho Man’s death are exaggerated today at the Con as this cosplayer brings the memory of the late great Randy Savage to mind.

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Randy "Macho Man" Savage Cosplay

Schoolgirl Cosplay

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Schoolgirl Cosplay

Here is Mr. Ant Lucia and his artwork. Really nice stuff Ant.

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Ant Lucia and his booth

Next up is Peter David. I loved his work on Incredible Hulk some years ago and while I know that he has done a lot more since then, this is my main come to mind reference.

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Peter David

Peter was not only showing off his new title “The Camelot Papers” but also the fact that his missus made some awesome puppets.

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Puppets by David

As we wandered more around Artist Alley we happened upon one of the Super Twins. This is Karin and she was enjoying the sights and scenes and seeing also what justice she could hand out. She even gave me a chap stick. It was bubble gum flavored.

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Karin of the Super Twins

This is Becky Cloonan. She does a werewolf comic called “Wolves”

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Becky Cloonan's "Wolves"

Here we have one of the most Metal of comic book dudes that I have the pleasure of knowing, the one and only Nelson Delcastro. He’s a good dude and we often run into him at Metal shows.

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The Table of Nelson Delcastro

Here is the Ultimate Comics Booth.

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Ultimate Comics Group LLC

This next booth seemed out of place at Comic Con. “How To Roll A Blunt For Dummies”? Maybe this is better served at BEA but who knows. A little of everything here at NYCC I guess.

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How To Roll A Blunt For Dummies

This next gent is Yehudi Mercado and he operates Super Mercado Comics. They publish “Buffalo Speedway” among other things. Check them out.

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Yehudi Mercado & Buffalo Speedway

This Cosplay Thor was not going to take any crap from Loki today

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Cosplay Thor Says "Walk Softly & Carry A Big Mjolnir"

Here’s Mike Norton’s table out in Artist Alley. Seemed like a nice dude. He did have a very sinister person talking to him when I passed by though.

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Mike Norton's Booth

Yep. Loki. I told him that Thor was not too far away so he best watch his step.

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Cosplay Loki, God Of Mischief

Two really super cousins. Superman and Power Girl

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Cosplay Superman & Cosplay Powergirl

Here is some mean machinery for you. The Killer Robots. They are a band. Wow, imagine that.

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Killer Robots Mean Business

Have we worn you out yet or are you still good to go? If you said yes to the second part of the question then fantastic as there is still more to come. Stay tuned for the next chapter and of course please check out the websites of the talented people and companies that we focused on in this segment.

Official Websites:
Oni Press: http://www.onipress.com/
Image Comics: http://www.imagecomics.com
Boxhead Studios: http://boxheadstudio.com/
Susan Heidi: http://www.susanheidi.com/
Bec Fordyce: http://becfordyce.blogspot.com/
Ant Lucia: http://antlucia.com/
Peter David: http://www.peterdavid.net/
Witch Doctor Comic (Brandon Seifert): http://www.witchdoctorcomic.com/
Supertwins: http://www.supertwins.tv/
Becky Cloonan: http://estrigious.com/becky/
Ultimate Comics Group: http://www.ultimatecomicsgroup.com/
Super Mercado Comics: http://www.supermercadoent.com/
Mike Norton: http://www.ihatemike.com/
Killer Robots: http://www.myspace.com/killerrobots

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