PiercingMetal Goes To New York Comic Con 2011: Day 2; Part 3

Congratulations. You have safely arrived at segment three of our NY Comic Con 2011 coverage, we welcome you back and we thank you for your kind attention as we aim to deliver as many of the wonderful sights to your computer screen as possible. When I left you all in part two, I was still wandering around the halls of the Anime Festival section of the event. Last year this was downstairs on the lower level and I heard rumblings that they had felt pushed off to the side. This year they were up in the attic so to speak and truly felt separated from the main event so I don’t know if this helped them much more. I will say that they appear to have more things going on this time around. Here is some lovely artwork but again as I had mentioned, no sign, no name. Sigh.

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Anime Festival Booth

Not the mighty Thor, but still rocking Cosplay mode.

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These girls also had a cool booth and were selling some lovely drawings. The Anime craze is in full gear but something that I am totally lost at.

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I decided that I was not going to figure it all out any deeper when I overheard the panel discussing the velocity of one of the bullets from a particular gun in an Anime series. Fortunately Captain America was near to help me back to things that I actually understood.

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Captain America Cosplay

and when good is about can evil be far behind? The insidious Doctor Doom was up to no good for sure.

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Doctor Doom Cosplay

It was still Friday, and the crowd was massive. Take a look at these two overhead visuals of the main convention center area.

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Yes you are looking at thousands and thousands of people.

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Here is a Jungle Girl/Cat Girl. She said she just threw it together but it worked.

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Jungle Girl Cosplay

Hanging around we saw the new Amazing Spider-Man. The costume is slightly different from the one sported by Toby Maguire and I am really not to hip on their rebooting the franchise in the first place.

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The Amazing Spider-Man

I chose to get another shot of the unmasked Dark Vader because I didn’t like how the first one came out.

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Darth Vader Greets Comic Con Fans

Here is the Shirts For A Cure booth and this notable cause was founded by Punk Rock photographer Mark Beemer and it’s design is to help underprivileged woman get treatment for breast cancer. It works in tandem with numerous Punk bands. Kudos Mark on doing something awesome for people.

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Shirts For A Cure

Mark Beemer behind a poster

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Mark Beemer

Here is a fantastic cosplay of The Baroness

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The Baroness Cosplay

Here is the Blonde Swan boutique booth. They make hats.

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Blonde Swan Boutique

These two lovely ladies were representing the Joe Palooka series today. They asked me if I liked Mixed Martial Arts, and while I stressed that its not my thing they still posed for a photo.

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The Joe Palooka-ettes

A great Poison Ivy cosplay. There were several this Con.

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Poison Ivy Cosplay

Two more Anime cosplayers

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These spokesmodels were representing the Atlas Comics table. One of the many titles they put out is called “The Grim Ghost”.

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Atlas Comics Hottness
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The Atlas Comics Creatives
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The Grim Ghost Action Figure & Comics

Here are a few photos from the Cosplay Deviants booth. The young lass dressed as Phoenix told me that it is a little like Suicide Girls but with a Cosplay logic.

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A Phoenix Cosplay Deviant

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Phoenix & Friend from Cosplay Deviants

Here is our friend Z-Girl and one of her foot soldiers on patrol once again.

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Z-Girl Cosplay

Toy Tokyo had a booth but it was hardly representative of the amazing store. Apparently Ron English was going to make an appearance and sign a new figure. He did that the last time. I just missed the time when he was there for a photo of him and the figure.

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Toy Tokyo
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More Toy Tokyo

You know this face and it is Stan “The Man” Lee – Excelsior Comic Con fans!!!! The master is here.

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Stan Lee

The crowd erupted in applause when he walked onto The Avengers platform. He started doing a quick signing but I did not wait on line for one. I just settled on the photos for you all.

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Another Stan Lee

I briefly chatted music and journalism with this Cosplayer. I think I need an Anime index to know more of these characters. I am just so lost about them.

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These agents were on guard in front of the Captain America uniform and shield.

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Captain America Uniform Display

Here is a little more of a close-up.

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Captain America Uniform Display

Here is a Grey Deadpool.

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Deadpool Cosplay

Check out the muscles on Power Girl, she means business Con goers

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Power Girl Cosplay

Three X-Men Femme Fatales Prowl The Con

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X-Men Girls Cosplay

This is the one and only Olivia De Berardinis. She is well known for her work in Playboy along with many other things. I remember her collector cards and had a few sets of them over the years. Hmm, I wonder if they are worth anything.

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Olivia De Berardinis

These guys are from GeeksOut and their mission is to promote the growing community of LGBT in comics.

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GeeksOut Goes Metal

OK so the magical illusion of the Princess Leia as Slave Girl is over now. Thanks dude.

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I thought I was seeing double but no, this is an entirely different Power Girl.

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Power Girl Cosplay

An interview being conducted.

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and danced to.

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Someone from Harry Potter I think.

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Harry Potter Cosplay

More signings at the Dark Horse Comics booth

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Costumed Dancers

I really think I met this young lady at the last Con dressed as Marvel Girl or The Flash. Either way, today she was sporting some Spider-Girl Cosplay. Looked great.

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Spider-Girl Cosplay

These girls are from Blue Movie. It’s a band. People started asking them to sign photos so they borrowed my black sharpie for awhile. Not to worry, they made sure to give it back to me the next day. I snared their CD and if it fits within the context of the usual stuff on the website perhaps I can review it for you all.

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Blue Movie Girls

Here is another fantastic Wonder Woman. I saw no magic lasso so I shall assume she overpowers the enemy with the winning smile.

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Wonder Woman Cosplay

Here were a couple of fun cheerleaders near the NBC Universal booth. I was not too sure what was going on here.

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Cheerleaders Cosplay

More Anime Cosplayers

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Anime Cosplay

Hey look its Chondra and Claudio Sanchez heading back to the Evil Ink Comics booth.

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Chondra & Claudio Sanchez

The race cars for the video gaming experience.

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and hey, once more here is Stan Lee. Stan was actually announcing his new line of comics geared towards younger children as he felt the market was long overlooked. Good thinking Stan.

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Stan Lee

Here is a great Cloak and Dagger team.

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Cloak and Dagger Cosplay

This Plastic Man was spot on. I mean he really looks the part of Plas

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Plastic Man Cosplay

Here is the young lady working the Heretic Clothing booth. I caught her off guard.

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If you have been following the trending Metal blogs then you know of the Metal Sucks guys. That’s Vince Neilstein pointing at me. They were sharing the booth with the artist who runs Vertabrae 33. That’s the artist Rodney Githens by the way.

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The Metal Sucks Booth

Here is another shot of the booth and from left to right we have Rodney, Axl Rosenberg and Vince. I am not sure who the young lady on the bean bag chair was.

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More Metal Sucks

It was hard to tell if this was the same Harley Quinn that I met early in the day, but it was not. They look so similar.

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Harley Quinn Cosplay

Her Con-panion was decked out in a great Carnage cosplay.

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Carnage Cosplay

There was a contest going on to win and X-Box that was encased in an R2D2 body. That’s pretty cool if it does anything else but I could not manage to find out since the booth was busy collecting entries for the contest.

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R2D2 X-Box

There are still two more days of the NY Comic Con 2011 to check out so please stay tuned for those narratives. I shall do my best to deliver the goods to your fanboy hungry senses. In the meantime you can also support some of the fine companies discussed in this posting by clicking their official websites which are linked below for your convenience.

Official Websites:
Shirts For A Cure: http://sfac.merchnow.com/
Blonde Swan: http://www.blondeswan.com/
Atlas Comics: http://www.atlas-comics.com/
Olivia De Berardinis: http://www.eolivia.com
GeeksOUT.org: http://www.geeksout.org/
Blue Movie Band: http://www.bluemoviemusic.com/
Stan Lee: http://www.powentertainment.com/
Heretic Clothing: http://www.heretic.co/
Metal Sucks: http://metalsucks.net/
Vertabrae 33: http://vertebrae33.com/

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