PiercingMetal Goes To New York Comic Con 2011: Day 2; Part 2

Welcome back to Part 2 of the Day 2 adventures at the 2011 NY Comic Con. We really saw far too many great things to toss them all into one lengthy posting, so it was better to give you subdivisions. Hey it worked for Rush right? I am sorry that was just a corny music scribe joke. Let’s get back to business with the task at hand with these great cosplayers. I only recognized the Black Cat and The Crow but they looked great.

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Black Cat Cosplay, The Crow Cosplay & Fiends

This stunning Vampiress was one of the denizens at Father Sebastian’s booth. He is a fangsmith and will set you up with custom fitted removable vampire fangs. The Father has arrived in NYC just in time for Halloween and can take care of you just in time for Samhain.

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A Creation of Father Sebastian
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Father Sebastians Table

This was a great idea. A police call box Cosplay

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Police Call Box Cosplay

This lovely Princess Leia was advertising the “One Man Star Wars” show. That sure sounded like a blast but it would not be possible for me to enjoy it. I guess I better check around on YouTube.com for it.

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Princess Leia Cosplay Repping "One Man Star Wars Trilogy"

Here’s Paul Mounts table at the Con. He had some really nice stuff with him.

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Paul Mounts
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Paul Mounts Art

Two mystical cosplayers with Zatanna and Dr. Strange

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Zatanna Cosplay & Dr. Strange Cosplay

Everyone loves Angry Birds these days so it makes sense to find some stuffed ones available for purchase.

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Stuffed Angry Birds

Here is our good friend Steve Bunche. He is a media adventurer as well and an occasional contributor to the core PiercingMetal site.

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El Bunche

Here is the super cool Michelle Dalecki and some of her artwork.

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Michelle Dalecki's Table

Here is some of her sweet artwork. Michelle is also a musician and mentioned taking a couple of classes or lessons from the incredible Alex Skolnick.

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Michelle Dalecki Art
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More Michelle Dalecki Art

Here is a nice Supergirl Cosplayer. I think I took a photo of this very same girl last year in the same red and blues.

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Supergirl Cosplay

Some of DC’s most mysterious Cosplayers were at the ready in this shot.

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Death Cosplay, Constantine Cosplay & Zatanna Cosplay

The Storm is coming this way….

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Storm Cosplay

Two “Silent Hill” Nurses scared the coffee out of me at the Con.

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"Silent Hill" Cosplay

I pity the fool who doesn’t like this Cosplayer

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Mr. T. Cosplay

Over at the Bandai part of the Comic Con they had a bunch of cool Godzilla dioramas set up. I am an old school Godzilla movie geek and I just had to snap a few photos of these for your enjoyment. It was very hard to not purchase any of these figures.

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Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla
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Godzilla and Mechagodzilla
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Space Godzilla
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Another Space Godzilla
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Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla

They also had a super sized Gundam Wing robot.

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Another of the many cars positioned around the Comic Con. I guess there was a Ford sponsorship this year 🙂

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Are you a fan of “The Walking Dead”? Of course you are. Here are some cosplayers getting into the spirit of the second season which will begin on Sunday night.

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Rick Grimes & Zombies Cosplay

Here is that banner in the main hall that welcomed all the fans. Unless I am mistaken that is the Lois Lane cosplayer that we saw in an earlier chapter.

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The Welcome Banner

This next girl is a card carrying member of the Booster Gold Fan Club

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Booster Gold Fan Cosplay

If you ever wondered what Boba Fett would be like if he were a chicken, then wonder no more. Chicken Fett; Isn’t that a High Power Rock band? Oh no, that is Chickenfoot.

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Chicken Fett

A stalwart Steve Rogers in his early Captain America duds. Actually a visiting lad with his Dad who were here at the Con from Texas for his birthday. Happy Birthday kid. Hope you enjoyed yourself.

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Steve Rogers Cosplay

Here is a small idea of the people milling about. This is the lower level where the theaters are. See anyone you know?

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Crowded For The Theater

Here is a clever cosplay idea. This is Bleez who is one of the Red Lanterns and hence now a member of the New Guardians. That is another one of The New 52 titles from DC Comics.

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Bleez Cosplay

Here is a stunning White Queen and Star Sapphire who were actually helping to promote the new movie that Kevin Smith was working on. Villainy never looked so good.

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White Queen Cosplay & Star Sapphire Cosplay

I headed up to the Anime Festival which was once again connected to the Comic Con, but not as integrated this time around. To get to it, you had to navigate a couple of escalators. This was an interesting view so I snapped it.

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The Anime Festival Goers

Is this Deadpool or Swiss Miss Cocoa girl or what?

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Miss Deadpool Cosplay

This cosplayer was swept off her feet today and yes this Yoko is tossing me the Metal horns.

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A Yoko Cosplay

More Anime revelers

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I took this shot from the front of the Anime Festival. There were rows and rows of chairs and many tables. This was a crowded section and people who love this stuff – really love this stuff.

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The Anime Festival Goers

I took the time to step outside to get a little air and regain my strength. Nice view of the West Side Highway.

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The West Side Highway from Javits Center

and off in the distance you can see the Intrepid aircraft carrier. It’s a museum now in case you didn’t know that.

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The Intrepid Is Ahead

Some military cosplayers

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A couple of interesting characters.

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Here is a terrific Taskmaster. He is a villain in The Avengers comic. Great job.

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Taskmaster Cosplay

Another Wonder Woman costumed attendee

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Wonder Woman Cosplay

Sadly I do not know what character this is, but she sure did a great job.

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An Unknown Cosplay

These ladies were locked in a castle at the Anime Festival and on the right we see Jeannie whose booth this actually was. She is an artist and a sculptor but to know this you pretty much had to ask. This was a problem I was finding with all of the Anime Festival vendors booths. So few of them let you know what they were all about and if a handful had business cards that was saying something.

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Jeannie and her artwork
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A sculpt by Jeannie

This is Chubbunny. She makes all sorts of cool things.

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Chubbunny 1
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Chubbunny 2

I’m going to keep the Day 2 adventuring going in Part 3 of these collection of narratives because there were just too many great costumes and sights to appreciate to have it stop here. To indulge and partake in the continuing saga please click HERE. We also encourage you to take a moment and check out the fine talented folks presented in this post by clicking their official website links below. Now back to the show…..

Official Websites:
Father Sebastian: http://fathersebastiaan.blogspot.com/
One Man Star Wars Trilogy: http://www.onemanstarwars.com/
Paul Mounts: http://www.bongotone.com/
Michelle Dalecki: http://mdartstudio.tumblr.com/
Bandai: http://www.bandai.com/
Chubbunny: http://chubbunny.tumblr.com/

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