Hey there, and welcome back. We are so glad that you could join us once again and are willing to brave the myriad amount of images and views from the NY Comic Con 2011. As I stated in the opening chapter of this group of narratives, there was a lot to see over the course of four days and now without any further adieu let us continue along with the masked merriment. First up we see Mr. Jason Edmiston. He was at a table in Artist Alley. I will admit to you readers early on that I didn’t focus as much on the Artist Alley section for this Comic Con this time around. This year I wanted to give heavy attention to as many of the wonderful Cosplayers that I could since they work so hard at bringing this event to colorful life.

Here is the booth for Pantheon Graphic Novels. They are a Random House company and one of the books they were showcasing at the Con was “Meta Maus”, a look inside the ground-breaking “Maus” storyline.
Here’s the one and only Neal Adams. You know his name so I shall say no more. You will notice that he is holding a copy of one of the “Showcase” editions and this one collects a solid number of his classic run on “Green Lantern/Green Arrow”. That was a title and a half.

Right near Neal’s table was a car with his artwork all over it. This was one of many vehicles that were set up around the Con and was wondering what the background on that idea was. Yeah they were nice but this is not the auto show, this is the Comic Con, and space should be left for the mediums direct related things.

Here is another one of the Random House subdivisions and they had a couple of cool Zombie books for your, dare I say it……”consumption”. LOL Sorry, I could not resist.

They even had a safety mask for you to wear.
Here is the Del Rey section and they had a few nice books on display. This particular section had me mentally flashing back to the Book Expo. It had that kind of feel to it. Thinking about it already makes me excited about the next one.

This charming lass was representing Loaded Barrel Studios and in her hands you see a copy of their latest release “Grey”. The novel appears to be about an alien and should time allow I will try to get a little more information about it for the blog readers.

There is a great book about the Comic Con which is actually going to be coming out as a film. It will star Morgan Spurlock.

A replica of Captain America’s shield and a few stacks of comic books.

This next sight was a bit of a strange surprise. It was various figure collections set up in dioramas inside conventional aquariums. It looked nice and I guess this is great if you are this passionate about your collections and want to display them to the world. It kind of reminded me of the “Big Bang Theory” guys when I saw it. To each their own yes?

The folks from Bloomingdales were present with their line of clothes that focuses on the King Features characters.

Now it was time to head over to the DC Comics booth. I was really interested in seeing what they had going on during the Press and Professionals day and readers of the blog might recall my very recent examination into their relaunching of numerous titles under the banner “The New 52”. That series of posts offers up my views into their fifty two revamped titles and you can check them out HERE. This giant image of The Batman loomed over the heads of the Comic Con attendees.

There were several giant banners but I did not bother to photograph them all as I had so much more to see. I did snap a shot of the dual Justice League and Supergirl one though.

These two young lovelies were wandering about to inform the fans about some of the things going on in the Maid Cafe during the Con care of Apple Kissa. This includes games, presentations, contests and dancing along with a lot more. It all seems very charming and I was happy to include the girls in my photo adventures. I hope you all have fun.

A little further down the aisle was the Dark Horse Comics section. I first got into what Dark Horse Comics was all about with the “Aliens Vs. Predator” title from many years ago. This was before the movie of course and soon they became the place to enjoy additional adventures of these dangerous species along with Hellboy, Star Wars Universe and even KISS with “Psycho Circus”. Some really great stuff for sure.

One of the Dark Horse Comics creatives prepares to sign for fans.
The logo reminds me of a chess piece. I am sure that is what it represents since it seems so like it. I didn’t see any physical comics around to take away as freebies but I did get a couple of cool buttons. One featured Star Wars, their own logo and one more. They are also going to be releasing the Tom Morello penned title “Orchid” and this will be some charming Post-Apocalyptic fun for sure. I need to get a copy of this for examination.
Not far from the Dark Horse Comics region was a fine display for “Voltron – Defender Of The Universe”. You might be too young to remember the original cartoon, but this giant robot was everywhere at one time. There is apparently a movie coming out in the near future and that could be fun if its done right.

I zoomed in a little closer on this for you to get a better glimpse of the full Voltron magnificence and the five individual lions that make up his body. His mechanics seem to work a little bit similar to that of The Transformers where the smaller individual things become one larger thing or something else. For scale fanatics, this figure stood about 16-18 inches.

Next to Voltron there were some superb Batman figures and we could not let those go by without a shot.

The three figures below appear to be a “Classic” Batman along with a more today looking one and Catman. These stand at about 6 or so inches tall and generally run about $20 apiece. Their nice but that is a pricy collection to maintain.

Some additional characters in the other part of the display case, from left to right we have Batman, Catwoman, Batgirl, Harley Quinn and Mister Freeze. The Harley appears to be one with her New 52 look.

There was a video game being showcased called “Just Dance 3” and while I didn’t focus on it, I did snap the lovely DJ’s who were making the music happen for the players. Everyone seemed to be having fun with this.

This next visual really shocked me. “The Black Eyed Peas Experience”. Yes you and your friends can pretend to be TBEP if this was your desire. We saw a Michael Jackson game at Toy Fair which had the same premise. I’m not a fan of the group at all so imagine this is for a select audience. Give me Heavy Rock and Roll any day of the week.

Here is the Image Comics section of the Con.

Next up we see the lovely Emily showcasing the Rayman Origins game. As you can see they were offering the early buyers an artbook and t-shirt. Sweet deal.

Next up is the Evil Ink Comics booth and you Progressive Rock fans might know this as being the imprint owned by Coheed and Cambria’s Claudio Sanchez. Here is a selection of their “Kill Audio” title.

I didn’t realize the glare hit the trade paperback but here is Claudio Sanchez holding the latest collection edition of his “Armory Wars” title.

A fine selection of Evil Ink Comics’ “Armory Wars” stuff. Last year the line to meet Claudio and get him to sign the comic was staggering. Since we were still on Press Day the fans mingling about with us had not yet discovered him when I took this shot.

Now here is a fine couple of Rocking Comic Creators; Chondra Echert & hubby Claudio Sanchez. Very nice folks I will say that much. Check out their books and of course Claudio’s music.

Back over at Image Comics booth I snapped a shot of “The Walking Dead” wall. This show was the talk of the 2010 Con and now has a gangbusters level of fans around it.

The title has been a series since 2003 and was created by Robert Kirkman who was also at the Con but I didn’t manage to see him when he was signing. I had never read the comic before, but as you can see there are a number of trades to enjoy. Quite a few it would seem and the cheapest way to build your collection of the title for sure.

Here is a cybernetic cosplayer.
These two pretty ladies were the spokesmodels for NMA TV. That stands for Next Media Animation in case you were wondering.

I think everyone loves a good puppet show. Here is the booth for Puppet Heap.

Some great t-shirt designs below.
Hero, Villain, Yeti!!! Tibet in comics. These charming ladies were representing the Rubin Museum of Art and there was apparently an exhibit running that showcased just how much Tibet has been featured in the comics medium. That might make an interesting blog on its own so stay tuned to these posts to see if we manage to get around to it.

This was a nice surprise for me. I briefly met R2D2 Girl at the Big Apple Comic Con which is covered elsewhere in the blog and snapped her photo then since I just loved this costume. Turns out she is also a member of the Media Illuminati that was wandering around at this portion of the Con.

I didn’t see Superman anywhere yet, but here is a gorgeous Lois Lane.

There was a small section for Wonka candies and they had a bunch of giant Nerds boxes and a stuffed Nerd for people to pose with. I did NOT see any smaller boxes of the candies around and really could have used some of that as this part of the Con drew to its close for the Media people and lucky fans.

Outside in the main hall was a giant blow up character. That’s our buddy Skeleton Pete standing next to it.
That brings us to the close of the adventures on Media and Professionals Day. This was only a three hour preview into the Con, and we still had three days left to go. As mentioned I would be hitting this on each of the days and snapping away as much as possible. Stay tuned for the additional chapters and please support the talented folks in this blog posting by clicking their web links below. Oddly enough I would not be heading home just yet and instead going down to one of the theaters in the Javits Center to enjoy a free mini-concert by guitarist Tom Morello. The musician originally hails from Rage Against The Machine and performs a brand of Revolutionary Rock nowadays. It would be interesting for sure and that report will be a separate posting.
Official Websites:
Jason Edmiston: http://www.jasonedmiston.com/
Pantheon Graphic Novels: http://pantheoncomics.com
Neal Adams: http://www.nealadams.com/
Del Rey Books: http://randomhouse.com
DC Comics: http://dccomics.com
Dark Horse Comics: http://darkhorsecomics.com
Evil Ink Comics: http://www.everythingevilink.com/
Image Comics: http://www.imagecomics.com/
Loaded Barrel Studios: http://www.puppetheap.com/
Cartoon Network: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com
Rubin Museum Of Art: http://www.rmanyc.org/
NMA TV: http://www.nma.tv/
Apple Kissa: http://applekissa.com/
Puppet Heap: http://www.puppetheap.com/
Great post, thanks for sharing Ken!