Let us rejoice my friends in comic book loving land because the day has at long last arrived and DC Comics long standing continuous series “Detective Comics” has reached its 1000th issue!!! The title originally launched in 1937 and ran numerous detective private eye kind of stuff but when issue #27 arrives the world would change as it was the first-ever appearance of The Batman. I’m planning on a milestone toast in the coming days but for now this is just an alert to get to the comic book store or wherever you prefer to order these things online.
PiercingMetal Thoughts: I actually was able to snag myself a copy last night, on the Tuesday evening before a lot of people could but that is just how we roll here at the Metal Media Command HQ. All kidding aside, most shops get their delivery the day before and my local place was stocking up the shelves and I was there so I grabbed the Jim Lee standard edition cover that you see above. I liked this cover the best since it features so many amazing characters from the Batman mythology. We see the Caped Crusader, Robin, Nightwing and Alfred on the heroic side but then there is also The Joker, The Penguin, Catwoman, Bane, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Two-Face and the inimitable Harley Quinn. Great stuff. There are dozens of variant editions to choose from and I lined out as many as I could find reference to on a post that you can peruse HERE. Be sure to open that post up at your local store to see if they can help find some of them for you. It’s a pricey issue for sure and depending on the scarcity of the variant can run you $10 or quite a bit more.
Okay, while I have plenty more to say about this particular issue and the anniversary of the “Detective Comics” title, I need to continue my hunt for a KISS ticket for tonight’s show as they are bringing their “End Of The Road” World Tour to NYC and I am not officially “working” in the capacity that you readers are accustomed to my doing. What a great day to be a fan of music and geek culture stuff. A legendary title hitting such an anniversary and the Hottest Band In The World KISS doing what might very well be their final Madison Square Garden show. See you next time.
Official Website: http://www.dccomics.com
Official Series Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detective_Comics