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Now Playing: Universal Pictures “Violent Night” (12/2/2022)

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It was only a few short months ago when I discussed the Universal Pictures release “Violent Night” with the Official Trailer (seen HERE ICYMI) and today the film is out for all to enjoy for the upcoming holiday season. Of course that’s only if your holiday season includes Santa Claus kicking some major villain behind when they try to ruin Christmas. When I discussed the trailer I pointed out how fun it looked and so we rally behind this one in our growing Pop Culture section. Take a look at the Official Release poster along with a light premise and the casting down below and I will meet you at the end.

movie posters, promotional posters, violent night, violent night movie posters

The Premise: When an elite team of mercenaries breaks into a family compound on Christmas Eve, a disgruntled Santa Claus must take them out to save both the hostages and his Holiday (c/o IMDB)

The Cast and Characters:
David Harbour as Santa Claus
John Leguizamo as Scrooge
Alex Hassell as Jason
Alexis Louder as Linda
Edi Patterson as Alva
Cam Gigandet as Morgan Steel
Leah Brady as Trudy
Beverly D’Angelo as Gertrude
Ray Strachen as Al
André Eriksen as Gingerbread
Brendan Fletcher as Krampus
Mike Dopud as Commander Thorp
Alexander Elliot as Bert
Mitra Suri as Candy Cane
Can Aydin as Frosty
Phong Giang as Tinsel
Finn McCager Higgins as Jingle
Rawleigh Clements-Willis as Peppermint
Stephanie Sy as Sugarplum

PiercingMetal Thoughts: Now that the film has opened I can make my determination on whether I will get to see this early in the theatrical run or be waiting until its on one of the many streaming services that I am paying for each and every month. I did really enjoy the trailer which I linked to up above but my time is going to be a little bit scattered this month since I not only have the annual concert from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra but I’ve also booked a trip to see my family to enjoy some quality time before the holidays for a change. I would have added the possibility of attending the Wintercon convention but they held the event for this year back in March and I was working at the time but I digress. This does seem to be a lot of fun for those looking for something action-packed and a bit weird at the same time so before I say farewell, I do wonder who among you out there will be checking this one out. Chime in down below in the comments and I will see you next time.

Official Film Wiki:

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